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Bought an Explorer!


May 4, 2014
Reaction score
City, State
Augusta, GA / Carmel, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2004 Ford Explorer V8 XLT
Hi Everyone!

I just bought my second Explorer and I thought I should join the Explorer Forum! Sadly I had to say goodbye to my 1996 fully-loaded V8 AWD Explorer because it was seriously nickel and diming me. I love my new truck! It's a 2004 Explorer XLT V8 2WD with 120,000 miles. It's not fully loaded but it does have leather seats, the information center, a great stock stereo, and the upgraded 19" wheels. Also one thing I love about my Explorer is that I have the painted gray trim and bumpers instead of just the unpainted gray plastic ones.

Unfortunately, I loved the vehicle so much that I bought it without having it inspected by a mechanic first. As it turns out, the intake manifold was completely crumbling and the engine had a rattling ticking noise that I didn't notice until I had written the check and driven it off the lot. Took it to five different mechanics and they all told me the same thing: Put some STP in it and sell it NOW. They told me it was about to "throw a rod". I didn't want to get rid of it since I JUST bought it and paid cash for it, so I bit the bullet and put in a brand new engine. As much as I hated buying it twice, I still love it more every day. I'm a 20 year old college student and all my friends love my car almost as much as I do! It's a really handsome SUV and I love the way it drives.

Since I've bought it I have:
-had a brand new engine put in
-had the rear end flushed and cleaned because it was making noise
-had all fluids changed
-put in all new hoses
-put in new spark plugs and wires
-got new Goodyear Fortera tires & had alignment done
-got WeatherTech floor mats
-got a heftier looking roof rack
-put on my beloved racehorse hood ornament (I live in a horse town)
-Replaced the passenger side fog light trim because it was cracked
-put on a front license plate frame (for my SC state flag license plate)
-got two new keys (I wanted the ones with the full-color Ford logo)
-got two new key fobs
-Replaced some light bulbs

Here is my truck the day I drove it home before I did anything to it.

Though I had kind of a rough beginning with it, I love this car and I'm sure it'll last me a long time! Can't wait to meet some of you guys and talk some more about Explorers! Sorry my post is so long!

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Welcome to the forum , Loads of great info on here !

Welcome to this forum! How many miles did you put on the new engine since it was installed? Since the salesman didn't inform you about the engine issue, you might be able to get money back from him through the lemon law.

Welcome to this forum! How many miles did you put on the new engine since it was installed? Since the salesman didn't inform you about the engine issue, you might be able to get money back from him through the lemon law.

I've put on about 5,000 miles since I had the engine installed back in February. I actually did go talk to the dealer with my stepfather and we sat down and showed the dealer all of the paperwork stating the work that needed to be done and he felt absolutely terrible! We talked it over and he agreed to pay for half of the new engine, not including labor. We decided that it was a good compromise.
