brake bleeder size? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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brake bleeder size?


Well-Known Member
March 6, 2008
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Central MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 5.0
hi, i searched the fourm and found one thread with the same problem as i have.

i'm trying to bleed my brakes, but the hex on the bleeder is a size between 9mm and 10mm, 11/32s and 3/8s, how the crap do i bleed these things!

there is no detierioration of the bleeder, they are rust-free.

its a 97 v8 4x4

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I am sure mine were 10MM. Maybe someone else changed them out to some other size. You could file them down so the 9mm fits, Then buy new ones maybe??

that doesnt seem right. i would think that ford would've used a normal size.... cuz a 10mm definatly doesnt fit tight

If 9mm is too small and 10mm too big, then it should be 3/8". Make sure you use a 6 point deep socket or box wrench.

rounded bleeders off with 10 and 3/8s 6pt sockets and box end wrench
