Front Brake Bleeder Screw size? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Front Brake Bleeder Screw size?


New Member
November 9, 2005
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Toronto, ON
Year, Model & Trim Level
'00 Explorer 4WD
Anyone know for sure what size the front disc brake bleeder screw is? Vehicle is 2000 Eddie Bauer 4WD.

It seems to be between 9 & 10 mm, or 5/16 & 3/8. The 3/8 slips without turning the screw. I picked up a pair of replacement screws, and they are 3/8 for sure.

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Do you want to know the socket size or the thread size of a new bleeder? They sell these parts in the section where the red packages called Help! are sold. There is a new type with a one way check valve for bleeding the calipers. All you would have to do is loosen them up a little bit, step on the brake, watch the old fluid go out through a hose into a container, and that's it.

I need the socket size.

Those speed bleeders sound good in theory, but don't really work that well. I race my Mustang, and bleed my brakes two or three times a weekend. The problem with the speed bleeders is that they will leak around the threads, even with teflon tape. They may work OK if you only loosen them once or twice a year, but I'm not spending that kind of money again. I picked up tow bleeders for less than $5.

I had an idea about this. Since you bleed the brakes so often (I don't know why), maybe you could use a drain style fitting like the type they use to drain water from a compressed air system? The older radiators had a similar drain **** which was a metal twist valve.

Brake Systems are under a GREAT DEAL of pressure, and heat cycles....I wouldn't feel comfortable using anything other the OEM design..but that's just me.


Since you bleed the brakes so often (I don't know why)
I've had the truck for 90,000km, and this will be the first time I crack open the bleeders. Perhaps I shouldn't use the word crack? With racing the Mustang, the brakes get bled often because of the extreme stress that is put on the brakes. Nothing like street use at all. I usually change the calipers every season as well. I've gone through a set of brake pads in a single day, and they weren't cheap pads (Hawk HPS...wrong pad for the track). I can't see a petcock valve standing up to the heat and pressure of the application. And when you're pulling the car down from 230+kph, I don't need any other reasons to be worried!:eek:

So, I will likely be putting vise grips on the bleeders screws, and hope they don't break.
