Brake Locking Problem | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake Locking Problem


New Member
September 4, 2018
Reaction score
Chardon OH
City, State
Chardon OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
07 Sport Trac
I have a 07 Explorer Sport Trac. It sat for about a month. I went to drive it, and once the engine started to heat up the brakes started to lock up. The engine was revving but the truck was barley moving. The brakes would never fully lock, but the brake peddle would feel stiff like the brakes were pumped. I just replaces the front rotors and pads a few months ago. The two front calibers seem to heat up the most over the rear, but the rear ones were hot as well.

Not to sure if it is just moister in the fluid, or the master cylinder, or something else.

The truck has 138,000 on it, and I am going to assume the brake fluid has not be changed.

No problems with frozen pins? I know my fronts were frozen when I did my initial pad change a few years back, and it wouldn't let the calipers back off. I noticed it when changing and swapped them pins out too. This last time around though, the pins were fine.

Maybe, I just don't know if the pins are it, since it only seems to get worse as the engine heats up and the brakes are used.
