Breaking IFS Diffy News (Sorta?) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Breaking IFS Diffy News (Sorta?)


March 5, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
West Houston, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
1995 XLT

I was looking through the Summit Racing catalog and I ran across part number DTL-912A569, which appears to be a TrueTrac for 95+ Dana IFS Explorers, Rangers, Mazda Clones, Durangos, and Dakotas. Here are the applications:

Axle Model Dana 35
Axle Location Front
Model B4000
Beginning Year 1998
Ending Year 2000
Stock Case Style Open case
Application Notes IFS/ABS.

Axle Model Dana 35
Axle Location Front
Beginning Year 1997
Ending Year 2000
Stock Case Style Open case
Application Notes IFS/ABS.

Axle Model Dana 35
Axle Location Front
Model B3000
Beginning Year 1998
Ending Year 2000
Stock Case Style Open case
Application Notes IFS/ABS.

Axle Model Dana 35
Axle Location Front
Beginning Year 1997
Ending Year 2000
Stock Case Style Open case
Application Notes IFS.

Axle Model Dana 35
Axle Location Front
Beginning Year 1998
Ending Year 2000
Stock Case Style Open case
Application Notes IFS/ABS.

Axle Model Dana 35
Axle Location Front
Beginning Year 1995
Ending Year 2000
Stock Case Style Open case
Application Notes IFS.

Here is the link:

I had Truetracs front and rear in my deceased Scout II and they were a very good street/dirt compromise. I'd love to put one in my Ex!

Anywhoo...the list price isn't so bad at $380.

I did a search of the site and found a post from Aussie Explorer back in May 2007 regarding this part and it does not have a lot of views or follow up.

Has anyone bought this yet?

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I haven't, but I'm interested. I don't see any reason why it wouldn't work...


Just keep in mind that, as we have no hubs up front, a locker will keep you from engaging the 4x4 in snow and will make your steering difficult.

Good thing it's not a locker. It's a torque-biasing differential... they operate completely different than a locker, and will work fine in the front end of any IFS vehicle.

I have a truetrak in the front of my 91 TTB X. It is not a locker it is limited slip. It is a compromise. It is not the best thing in packed snow, I can almost steer with the gas pedal. On tight trails I will have to back up from time to time, because it kills my turning radius. It is great in mud, sand and deep snow. Overall, I am satisfied with the performance and would recommend it to anyone that needs additional front axle traction. It is silent and it does not slip very much.

It's gear-based, like the Torsen, Quaife, and...{insert brain fart here... IIRC, there are four manufacturers??}. Locked in 4-high, yes, you will have turning issues. However, if you release the pressure exerted on the drivetrain by unlocking the t-case for a tight turn, it'll spin freely like an open diff.

I've got a 95 Ex with the axle disconnect; so in 2wd it disconnects the right front tire...98+ has no axle disconnect. In "4 Auto" a switch on the front axle moves a sleve over and engages the right axle shaft.

In theory one could a) find a 95-97 front IFS axle and b) retrofit the axle disconnect into a 98+ to elminate the issue all together. I bought one for 50 bucks last year in hopes of someday learning how/setting up 4.56 gears in it at my own pace rather than struggling to set up gears over a weekend and having put back together for work on Monday.

I'm not sure how to retrofit a 98+ with the 95-97 axle disconnect switch, but I am sure there are enough smart people on this site that someday someone will figure it out.

Anyway...instead of spend a lot of cash on a new SUV this spring I'm hoping to do a lot of mods the 'sploder...a truetrac in the front would be one of them. Hopefully somebody puts one of these in before then.

The earlier diff is a cinch to bolt in and wire up- I did it on my 01. I did it just for the fuel mileage.

Its in this thread:

So, with a axle disconnect would this L/S cause the carrier to turn and thus spin the driveshaft? Or does is free spool like an open diff?

My gut says that in 2wd, the driveshaft would spin with the axle disconnected with the LS installed; the rotation of the left tire and the gears within the LS unit would spin the driveshaft.

I am certain that the open carrier will not spin the DS (except for some nominal rotation from friction) with the axle disconnected because the open diff has spider gears.

However, the bias and helical gears of gear driven LS are somewhat mysterious to me. A call to the manufacturer (Detroit Locker) could answer your question.

I heard that this diff was in the works for some time on another ranger site it is all thanks to the jeep with the dana 30 in the front. since our ex and rangers use a hybrid front axle (dana 30 case with a dana 35 ring gear) the jeep paved the way for this differential to even come about.

I heard that this diff was in the works for some time on another ranger site it is all thanks to the jeep with the dana 30 in the front. since our ex and rangers use a hybrid front axle (dana 30 case with a dana 35 ring gear) the jeep paved the way for this differential to even come about.
that sounds like the information passed around about the torsen, which has not been released yet.

i am curious about this type of carrier in the front of my AWD mounty. i have driven my locked(front and rear) 02 ranger in the snow, and i know how that feels. i would like to try one of these too.

Hey all. I am sorry to do this see the following:

I picked one of these up from I thought if it did not work I could either machine it and make it work or pawn it of on my friend that has a dana 35 in his WJ.

Anyways, here we go:


I was told that this was a rear limited slip that alot of the TTB explorers have used in there explorers. tol me that they usually just rotate the gears from either side to get it work in the correct direction. Unfortuately, I found that


Here are some more pics:




The last pic has both carriers. You can tell they are not the same size. I have come to the conclusion that the IFS Dana 35 is a hybrid of a dana 35 ring gear and a dana 30 carrier.

Here are some other limited slips that may should work the front of the dana 35 IFS differential (personaly have not tried any of them, currently have aussie locker front and rear):

Detroit Locker



Great info! :thumbsup:
