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Bug deflectors and gas mileage


Elite In Memoriam
January 17, 2001
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 XLT
What do you guys think of the effect of a bug deflector on gas mileage?

I have been running a deflector and getting about 23-24 MPG at highwat speeds. I am going on a 1500 trip this weekend and have removed the deflector to see what happens to mileage.

What do you think?

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i dont know, itll be interesting to see. personally, i dont think itll make a difference, but ive never driven my truck without the bug deflector.

at least a mile per gallon difference, you'd really be surprised at what affects gas mileage.

A thousand miles later and some results are in,

The net result in fas mileage on this 1000 mile test of all highway driving 70-75 MPH is a positive gain of 0.5 MPG without the deflector in place.

I am reinstalling it now for the remainder of this trip to see what happens.

An aside... the deflector really works in keeping crap off the windshield.

Originally posted by aldive

An aside... the deflector really works in keeping crap off the windshield.

Isn't that what it is for? lol just messin with ya man

Originally posted by aldive
An aside... the deflector really works in keeping crap off the windshield.

Watch the Zaino man! :eek:

hey i'll pay that extra for gas to keep the stuff off the windshield. the bugs are big and mean down in nc!!! without the bug deflector it looked like i had grape and strawberry jelly on my windshield coming from raleigh to wilmington one night!!! it was NASTY!!!!

You think you got bugs?

Here in sunny Floridam we have 'sketters that can stand flat footed and rape turkeys. Heck some of em even put a blip on TPA's radar.

Thems bugs.....

I'm planning to get an avenger soon because hopefully it will minimize rock chips. so well see what happens

Originally posted by Blue Steel
hey i'll pay that extra for gas to keep the stuff off the windshield. the bugs are big and mean down in nc!!! without the bug deflector it looked like i had grape and strawberry jelly on my windshield coming from raleigh to wilmington one night!!! it was NASTY!!!!

Heh...I know what you mean. One night driving back home (near winston-salem) from raleigh, the next morning I got up, there were gnats everywhere on my front end. I found a few bees too. So a bug deflector is a must!!

I was getting around 16 miles per gallon with it, and the last two tanks since I took it off have been 18 miles per gallon. Mine is from autozone and it also causes a lot of turbulence over the hood, making my wipers not work very well at highway speeds. I'm leaving mine off. I'm putting some black abrasion tape we use on airplanes to keep the rock chips at bay on the front of the hood and throwing my bug guard in the trash.

Originally posted by aldive
You think you got bugs?

Here in sunny Floridam we have 'sketters that can stand flat footed and rape turkeys. Heck some of em even put a matk on TPA's radar.

Thems bugs.....

Oh yeah, I remember those things. Luckily I have bad tasting blood, so they left me alone usually. Worse, though were those love bugs that came around annually. They would plaster the front of your car with their guts. The worst.

Of course now I live in West Texas and it's been nearly two years since I've seen a mosquito. Doesn't rain enough in the desert. :)
