Bum Trap? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bum Trap?


June 1, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Battle Creek, MI
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 Dodge Powerwagon
It all started when I put an outdoor can recepticle outside my house. It's a large garbage can with two handles and a hole cut in the lid for cans to go through.

One day I went out to collect my empties and they were all gone...bag and all. I decided to try and lock these by putting a cable over the lid in several directions to keep the homeless out of my can stash. This did not work, they moved the lid just a bit and grabbed all the cans they could reach.

I've decided that I need to bomb proof this idea. How can I set this can up to be bum proof?

The materials I have are:

1 padlock
25ft plastic coated cable
6 u-bolts (used to make the cable loops to put the lock through)
1 garbage can with two handles
1 lid with a hole cut in it
assorted collection of normal household items

I want this to stay outside so how do I set it up?

I toyed with the idea of trying to catch the bum....but the fiance nixed that idea pretty quick. :confused:

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awww go for it...but set up a video camera...that would be great

i 2nd the catching the bum

you should catch him and drive him real far away and make him get out. problem solved.

Arnie897 said:
I toyed with the idea of trying to catch the bum....but the fiance nixed that idea pretty quick. :confused:

I need "good" ideas here guys. I tried once....but failed. I'll let that story out once I find a good idea on how to lock my can can up. :D

trip wires and Claymores :)

oh i have an idea!

get one of those chainlink fence kits for dog kennels and put barb wire / electric fence around the top and sides :)

that'll teach em

edit- of course put the trash can inside this... :D :thumbsup:

metal trash can...weld the lid on....cut the bottom off and them put locks on the bottom so if they try and get it all off it will make alot of noise and then you can go bum hunting :D

dman726749 said:
metal trash can...weld the lid on....cut the bottom off and them put locks on the bottom so if they try and get it all off it will make alot of noise and then you can go bum hunting :D
:thumbsup: :D Come on, if you do it sneaky like, then the fiance won't even know. ;)

dman726749 said:
bum hunting :D


buy bottles?
get a dog?
take a dump in there?
extecion cord one end to the metal can and 2nd to a glass of salt water insaid?

or who cares if they steal them??

ED209...after the robocop movies, work is tight for him, protecting your trash can is a perfect use for his skills!


"Hault bum, put the can down!"

Charlie's_93EB said:
or who cares if they steal them??

It's the principle, I wouldn't tolerate it either...

-Put a bear trap inside so he reaches in and it snaps shut on his hand.
-Break some glass bottles up and put them in there mixed with the cans so his hands get cut up
-Line the edges of the lid or top of the can with razors, using the setup you said you already tried
-Capture a stray cat and don't feed it for a day or two and put it in the can
-Stay up one night and catch him in the act

Is this a metal or plastic trash can?

snowburns said:
It's the principle, I wouldn't tolerate it either...

-Put a bear trap inside so he reaches in and it snaps shut on his hand.
-Break some glass bottles up and put them in there mixed with the cans so his hands get cut up
-Line the edges of the lid or top of the can with razors, using the setup you said you already tried
-Capture a stray cat and don't feed it for a day or two and put it in the can
-Stay up one night and catch him in the act

Is this a metal or plastic trash can?

holy crap...You might as well put a explosive in the can then when he opens it, it will blow him up..problem solved

Chew_12 said:
holy crap...You might as well put a explosive in the can then when he opens it, it will blow him up..problem solved

Don't want to risk damage to the house...or get the cops involved...

get a bb gun, they are like $30 at wal mart. Can save your cans and work on your shot at the same time

- use the cable to tie the can up about 5 feet off the ground, from a basketball goal or something,that way you sort of have to 'slam dunk' the cans into the can

- get a couple decoy garbage cans and move them around the yard.

- fill the garbage can half way full of wet cement, let cement dry in can. padlock lid to can

- scoop piles of dog poop on to the lid at night

- booby trap the can with a bunch of stragically placed lights around the yard, that point at the can, and an air horn that makes it seem like a nazi prison break or something.

- put a giant 'pop out of can' snake in the can


A motion activated light and a video camera aimed at the can would probably be enough to discourage most thieves. If not, it will make a great video for the internet. You can make him famous. ;)

you could just hook up some laser lights that go across the lawn.....better yet stay up and night and put the last light on the guy when he comes in, if he doesn't notice, shoot'em with a paintball gun.

My idea would be to drill holes in the can and reinforce that area with some more metal. Then bolt some hooks there. Then with your cable lock or even a pad lock you could lock the handles down really tight to these bolts.

Or, put the can in your garage maybe?????

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Cheap video setup..
Setup a video camera, (but remove the little tape 2hr tape) and plug it into a full size VCR.. This will allow the camera to stay on 24/7 and stream video to a 8hr+ VCR tape. Once you find out who and when the can grabbler shows up you can then post a sign indicating No trespassing and violators will be SHOT!. :shoot: . Next Hide in the can with your .40cal, the look the persons face when they open the lid will be priceless.. :eek:
