bumper and skid plate length | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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bumper and skid plate length


Well-Known Member
December 4, 2004
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Mission Viejo, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 XLT 4x4
I am thinking of building a bumper for the front of my x. I have the superlift kit on the front so i have done some measurements and find that the skid plate will be somewhere about 35 inches long. This will be the prerunner style bumper with a skid plate coming from the bumper to the diff. My question is, do you think the sid plate will look just too big on there? whats the length of some of the other skid plates out there?

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anybody willing to measure their skidplate dimensions??

thanks for the pics, im starting my mock ups today

Are you keeping the stock bumper on like cgriffin? If not, and you go from basically the bottom of the grill to the front IFS crossmember/bracket, it will be a lot more verticle than his.
