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busted spark plug 5.0L


Well-Known Member
January 7, 2006
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City, State
Middleville, MI (Gun Lake)
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 Explorer Sport
Here's the deal, buddy wants me to change his plugs on hi 97Ex 5.0, 145,000 miles, OE plugs gapped @.095 spec .052-.056
Iremove all the plugs no prob, however the third one back Pass side busts, it broke right after the nut part of plug, so now i have the rest of the plug in the head, the porcilin is out it is hollow, i have been soaking it in PB Blast since 5 this evening and going to let it soak till tomorrow same time, i will be applying more as the day goes on but not gonna try until 5 to remove it with an easy out, does anybody have any other ideas i could try before the easy out, drilling is out of quest, and no torches to heat with, this things was/is extremely rusty around the plug, why it broke, metal was super thin at breakage point

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I don't know about getting that one out - but putting the new ones in: use anti-seeze. Might keep this from happening again.


i am a prof. i work in a shop and am ASE cert. was just lookin for some tricks that people know, been doin this long time and have removed an uncountable amount of plugs and this has never happened, just lookin for some advice on some tricks

well thats what I found with a quick search on Google.

Get the strongest easy out you can find and go at it. Take it slow. If you really worried about shavings after you're done, take a vacuum, tape a funnel to the hose, and then get a hose small enough to fit in the spark plug hole and suck up as much as you can. Yes I've had to do this, and it works.

I'd spray some WD40 in there just for good measure to be sure that nothing gets caught up and is able to be expelled out through the exhaust valve.

I've had to take busted plugs out of some friends grand am quad 4, and a supra now. Just take it slow, not being jerky. Use a breaker bar or if that won't work because you need the ratchet then a snipe or pipe.

Dremel a groove into it with a cutting disc if theres room, then use a flat head screwdriver?

Plug removed!!!!!
just let it soak overnite in PB Blast and it came out with little effort
Thanks for the replies

Nice. So the socket still fit over it? Or did you use an easy out or what?

might help others in the future....

i have a master extractor set from matco, i used a screw extractor inside the plug casing after it soaked for 24 hrs, its like an easyout but not nearly as long and weak, i refuse to use easy outs, i have never broken one these extractor's before, i take a pic of what i'm talkin about and post it tomorrow they have saved me butt many of times

I am interested to see this device, easy outs suck IMO, never had any luck with them.


you can see which one i used, they are a not shorter then easy-outs and a lot stronger, i have never broke one before, broke plenty of easy outs though
Multi-Spline Screw Extractor
Its a Matco set and this thing was a little pricey, but let me tell ya the headaches its got me out of make it priceless

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