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Cable Wi-Fi Modems


Elite Loser
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Elite Explorer
November 29, 2000
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San Diego, PRofK
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1994 XLT
Time Warner Cable advised me they have decided to charge me $8.00 per month use fee for a cable, Wi-Fi modem they gave me five years ago when I signed up for their internet. I am not done arguing with them, because there is no way I am paying anything for a five year modem, but I want to be ready to purchase my own device. You would think they would leave me alone since I have my TV, internet and phone through them and give them plenty of money each month, and it is crap like this that get me shopping for other sources, but I digress.

There is a list of approved devices, and I have seen a few deals, but not enough to decide what I want. I currently have a Motorola SBG900, which I have found on ebay for less than 35.00, but its slow.

I don't know much about this, so is there a recommendation off the list?

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Do not buy a Cable modem with wifi in it.

Buy two seperate parts. Get a DOCSIS 3.0, 16x8 channel modem., ie the Motorola SB6183.

Buy a good decent AC capable wifi access point, with Gigabit switch ports in it; they usually run around $100 to $150 each.

With this setup, you'll be good for the next 5 years.

I'm running the Motorola 6580. I'm on Time Warner for Internet at 50gb. It runs pretty quick when it works. In fact I just streamed MI:Rouge Nation in 1080p. However it's like a yo-yo at times, going up and down and I have to unplug it and restart it at least twice a week. I think it's really just TWC as I know zukman has similar issues with them, as have others. But it's this or back to Verizon 1.5gb:(

I'm using direct tv for cable and we ported our landlines over to a VOIP, which has been great but the yo-yo of the conception at times. Way cheaper phone bill and I've heard I can port it to Google and have no bill. Not so sure about that though.

I have had to unplug and plug my modem back in several dozen times, at least once a week. I am not sure if its TWC's fault. They used to bend over backwards for their customers, but like most large corporations, they seem to have forgotten who pays their bills.

Thanks for the advice Tom, I think that's what I will go for. You have a link for the best deals on that stuff?

Steve, is your modem TWC property, or yours?
TWC's phone service is the cheapest monthly we could find when bundled with cable TV and internet. I have been planning on going to straight cable for a while as I now have a thousand channels of **** that I don't watch. TWC is trying to tell me that my digital flat screen TV's won't function when they go to all digital cable next week without the boxes or an adaptor.

I second not using the modem/WiFi combo. I'm using a Motorola modem, and I just replaced my router with a linksys AC 1200+, which I have been VERY happy with so far. It's a good router, with good speed, and you can manage your network remotely with your smartphone. It's easy to set up, too! Also, best buy has the linksys router on sale for less than $100 right now.

Steve, is your modem TWC property, or yours?
TWC's phone service is the cheapest monthly we could find when bundled with cable TV and internet. I have been planning on going to straight cable for a while as I now have a thousand channels of **** that I don't watch. TWC is trying to tell me that my digital flat screen TV's won't function when they go to all digital cable next week without the boxes or an adaptor.

The box is mine. Went to Target and bought it, then called for install. There is a very big reason I bought my own.

You ever wondered how TWC can offer all there hot spots every where. It's because your the Hotspot! TWC takes there WiFi rental boxes and creates a partition for you and for there Hotspot. It's pretty sneeky, but not shocking.

I did not know that. I am still a little pissed about what is going on with them wanting me to pay for something that was included in the deal when I signed up for internet. I will see how this plays out, but I think I am switching my TV service to anything but TWC. Need to keep the internet and phone, at least until I find something better.

I did not know that. I am still a little pissed about what is going on with them wanting me to pay for something that was included in the deal when I signed up for internet. I will see how this plays out, but I think I am switching my TV service to anything but TWC. Need to keep the internet and phone, at least until I find something better.

Love my Direct TV:thumbsup:

If you have to reset your modem on a regular basis, there is a problem. Check the modem log for T3 and T4 timeouts.
