Calling all ASE master tech's! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Calling all ASE master tech's!


Well-Known Member
January 3, 2006
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Bensalem, PA
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1999 xlt
June 15 i scheduled my final 2 ASE tests to get my master cert! Very exciting since i set out to do so 5 years ago and its finally a reality because of the GI Bill. I am taking A6 and L1 and would like to know of any study material for the L1. I feel confident but any extra material to study would be great. Next testing period i am also looking into L2 with the up in coming light diesel market. I have just about finished my Ford MLR's which i hope to use to get into a ford dealership. Thanks for any input or recomendations for books!


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I havent attempted the L1 yet, so i cant be of much help. although since ive been thinking of goin for it next time around im kinda curious to see what everyone else has to say.

im more of a half A.S.S. mechanic lol. i wish i had studied good luck


There are study guides on the market from ASE, I got mine at Half Price books a while back, I still have them, if I have time today I'll dig at least one of them up and see whom the publisher is.

They can be bought to cover each individual test that ASE offers.

BTW have you registaered on ASE's web site ( ) and set up an account???

Makes it easier and quicker to get you test results, and registar online for testing, or even test online.

Plus they send you updates via email too.

Jeff - :navajo:


Thanks for the info. I registered with the ASE online in 2006 and thats the way i did most of my tests while i was in the army. I seen the study guides they have but i have heard from a few techs that a company has a book that they say you will pass or your money back. Sounds good to me and its always good to have a little extra material around to study or go over in a later date. I am still new to the civilian side of things but lucky me the army does everything the same way (well for the most part).

