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Camber kit


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June 11, 2007
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Ive done some searching and couldnt seem to find what i was looking for...i was wondering if there was a limit for which i could crank my torsion bars and align it without the camber kit...I know its different for most but I was just wondering if there was a universal limit. any info would be great.

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I'm pretty sure there's no universal limit in regard to getting an alignment. Assuming the truck has been aligned several times before, your bolts will most likely be in a different position than someone else's bolts, mine for example. But if you have a 4x4 truck your limiting factor should be your CV angles as opposed to your camber angle. Rule of thumb for the TT is no more than 2 inches over stock otherwise the CV angles get too high and you start dramatically shortening the lifespan of your parts.

Thanks have you already done your tt?? and did u need the camber kit?

No I haven't done it yet. I'm still at college until the first week of June so when I get back my to-do list gets started... My dad had the truck aligned a few weeks ago with the new tires though and I'm pretty sure that it needed a camber kit. One of the perks of college, my dad drives the truck so he pays for all the maintenance.

The camber kits are well worth it,
I got mine for $17 a side from napa.
Its worth spending a little bit more than having to buy tires sooner.

I'm not 100% but I would be willing to bet that your stock cams would be able to align your still stock suspension even if you TT since you're not changing anything but ride height. Unless someone here has had a problem with alignment after a TT, or you do I wouldn't bother. With that being said, if you plan on doing a suspension lift later it couldn't hurt to get the cam kit now. That's just my 2 cents though lol.

thanks alot...i just did my pa883, 4 door leafs aals, and shackles, this weekend...i only did a 1" tt so its about 2 and a half to 3 inches lower in the front... i kinda like the look though. it looks really goofy with the stock tires on. my friend works at sears and hes gettin me a set of 33x12.5 dunlop mud rovers for around 500 even with his discount. Ill be runnin 15x8 black steelies. Ill post pics asap. once i figure out how to(prob sometime will be without 33's for now)

still gotta do those damn rear bumper brackets....
