Camping in VT? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Camping in VT?


Explorer Addict
December 14, 2002
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'06 Mazdaspeed6 GT
OK, so I'm thinking of something to actually do this summer before the big jambo. I was thinking since most 9-5 (or similar) workers have a 3-day weekend July 2-4, perhaps we could plan a camping trip up to the Lookout again, where Mike, Tim, and I (eventually) hiked to on Halloween night. If anyone wants to mapquest it, it's off of Route 12 in Bridgewater, VT (Zip 05034). Lemme know what y'all think....

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Can't make it that weekend, but I am definitley up for something after July 4th, as I will most likley have my new t-case by then.

that's right, i forgot you have prior arrangements. no prob. :)

no one up for a camping trip this 4th of July (NEXT!) weekend?

Bump.... it's after July 4th, anyone want to plan for some weekend camping?

I think everyone should try and meet up before the jambo(maybe 7-23 7-24) even if it is just for a cookout/get to know eachother type thing... depending where I might be up for camping.

IZACKARY do you ever go off road in South East Ma.

I am reluctant to go alone to any areas.

Nick26 and I tried wheeling in Fall River once, with less than pleasant results. Land owners aren't required to post No Trespassing signs so it's tricky finding places. If you know somewhere it's legal to wheel let me know. Also a guy at work told me he used to wheel his quad somewhere around here, too. I'll see if I can get more details.

freetown forest ..
that area used to have tons of areas..

V8BoatBuilder said:
Can't make it that weekend, but I am definitley up for something after July 4th, as I will most likley have my new t-case by then.
My axles are currently off the Explorer right now... I started my 4" Skyjacker lift and am at the 1/2 way point. I will hopefully be done with the lift this weekend (I'll still need to re-gear and get new shocks).

DeRocha said:
My axles are currently off the Explorer right now... I started my 4" Skyjacker lift and am at the 1/2 way point. I will hopefully be done with the lift this weekend (I'll still need to re-gear and get new shocks).

Sweet! Still planning to run 33s?

V8BoatBuilder said:
Sweet! Still planning to run 33s?
Oh yeah... I already have them... BFG AT KOs 33 x 12.5 on American Racing type 23 rims (15x10)... I figure the 4" suspension lift combined with my Custom 3/4" body lift will eleviate any major trimming.

I've seen his new meats and they're sweet. If you need a hand, John, let me know! I can hop over after work tomorrow or Friday. Friday all I have to do after work is cash my check and get my sox ticket for the game on the 14th. :D

I found some of the areas i used to go to years ago.
as toy can see in the pictures.
it is in freetown and used to be huge mud pits and now it is much smaller but still nice from what i could see and i am told it goes really far back. couple of guys from work go there alot but i am hesitant to do too much alone with my 2WD.


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That sounds familiar....I think that might be where Nick26 and I went a while back...

But now if there's 2 things you need, it's a louder radio, and a locker! :D
