cant find rear sway bar bushings! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cant find rear sway bar bushings!


Active Member
March 21, 2003
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garden city, Michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 ranger
while changing my shocks i noticed my sway bar bushings to the frame are all blown out, i was able to get the front 36mm bushings no problem but every local auto parts store lists the same 36mm bushings for the rear also, but the rear is a different shape and a 19mm bar. any idea where i can find the stock rubber replacement bushings?

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I did a quick check on says they have them. Dosent show size specs, it says they are for the rear sway bar, but you can check them out.

Yeah everywhere I have checked says that they have the rear bushings but then in the part details they showed them the same part # as the fronts which are the 36mm. Ill look at the rock auto site when I get a chance. Thanks

just checked and rockauto also has the 36mm listed for the rear. WTF!

Rear sway bar bushings - just get the actual Ford part.

I have a 99 Explorer, my suspension was so bad I felt like a bobble-head while driving.

Finally got warm enough, I had a chance to replace my shocks/sway bars. I'm going to start a thread about the whole process, but I wanted to post on this thread. I tried to replace the rear sway bar bushings with aftermarket parts from Energy - part # 9.5106G which is the non-greaseable universal 19 mm bushing.

The bolt holes do NOT line up with the bolts for the rear sway bar.

I ended up talking to the guys at the local Ford dealership, they ordered me a pair of genuine ford rear sway bar bushings.
Part # F57Z-5493-BD they only cost me $15 for the pair.

I was afraid that these were going to be hard to install, because they don't have a break in them, its a solid bushing. It actually was not that bad. I added a bit of extra lube to the bar, just pushed/twisted the bushing into position. Took me less than a minute to get each one into position :)

