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Carter Water Pump

No, that appears to be a large O ring or something similar that is part of the pump assembly. I'm talking about the gasket that seals the pump to the mating surface of the engine. The flat surface including the ears where the bolts go through.
Sure you are talking about 4.6 3v engine?

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So the 4.6 3v do not have any additional dont need to double seal the pump.

The 4.0 has the all around flat gasket.

did not come with this gasket but according to one comment it is not needed and I have not seen them for sale. Do you have a link to any of said gasket for sale? thanks
Nope. Just speaking from general experience over the years. I've never seen a water pump without a gasket on the flat mating surfaces. Maybe that O ring does the job to seal it.
Technology changes. I was probably left behind. It looks like Bazz provided the answer in post #23. But scrolling through the post I didn't see it mentioned which motor it is until late in the thread, only photos of a water pump.
