Catalytic Converter Questions (91 XL) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Catalytic Converter Questions (91 XL)


Active Member
October 9, 2011
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Anaconda, MT.
City, State
Anaconda MT
Year, Model & Trim Level
2006 Explorer XLT 4.6 V8
I'm about to replace my catalytic converter, I'm basically replacing anything and everything on my 91 XL to help get it running better and improve my MPG. This truck has about 166k on it, and it's time to follow up and replace things that are likely to be getting in the way of top performance. My question is this, there are so many different types of cats on the market, which one makes the most sense? Recommended brands? Types? Any advice on this would be great, I'm thinking I want to stay as close to stock as possible. :thumbsup:

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If you want to get stock just order a stock replacement but I think you can get magnaflow high flow cats for cheaper and have a shop throw them in.

Are your current cats are clogged or are you just replacing for the hell of it to hopefully see improvements?

Our '92 has 219k with the original catalytic converter and passes smog fine.

I have had my truck for ten years, and I like to spend a few bucks ocne a year and replace things that likely need to be replaced. I have read enough about how changing out the cat after 150K can be worth it just in helping MPG alone, but I think it's due, it makes sense the way it's running. Thanks for the info.

A bolt-on style converter is ~$200. You can get Walker brand converters from Advance Auto Parts, buy online and use a $50 off $150 coupon, plus they also have a $40 rebate, so you can save a lot of money if you go that route.

Really though as mentioned the converter usually doesn't need to be replaced unless it's been overheated or is clogged.

If you want to spend money and replace something that will make a difference, put a cat-back exhaust system on it with a better flowing muffler like a Dynomax Super Turbo or something.

You could also just have a system fabbed up at an exhaust shop with a new universal converter (instead of the stock replacement), and a new muffler and pipe.

You sound a lot like me in budgeting for replacement parts every year and I think your idea is wise. Some may argue against that, but my experience has shown all ready an improved MPG and power with headers/cat/cat back exhaust. Short term usage so far, but I like my Magnaflow, direct fit cat. I believe my original one was plugged from excessive oil burning. Be sure to post your results if you decide to get a cat and or muffler.
