Center display keeps reverting to "auto" day/night mode | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Center display keeps reverting to "auto" day/night mode


Active Member
February 23, 2014
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City, State
Orlando, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
2020 Explorer ST
2020 ST

We keep the SYNC display on night (dark blue background) mode 100% of the time but recently it's been reverting itself to "auto" which during the day has the white background. Anyone else seeing this? The setting sticks until the next key cycle.

We've also got an issue with the map being blank (street name is shown but the position indicator and streets are blank) which cropped up around the same time. Car isn't home for me to see what version we're on but it might well have auto updated. Have to soft reset the SYNC in order to get the map back.

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There are several posts in the Lincoln Aviator forum where the screen will not change to the 'night' display. I've have the same issue at times. I found that just by touching the dash brightness control it will change. For m it isn't a big issue. I don't know if that would also work in reverse for you.
As for the map issue, you could try a Master Reset but keep in mind that you will lose some saved memory settings. If still under warranty, take it to the dealer.


Pretty sure this a bug with Sync 3.4 22251 that also is not fixed with 23088

Pretty sure this a bug with Sync 3.4 22251 that also is not fixed with 23088
I don't know about the OP's issue but the one I have and described was there prior to V22251.


I have a slew of problems which are really pissing me off with this software. I did a factory reset 3 weeks ago but a week later the issues came back and get progressively worse. It loses memory of settings, preferences, nav history, top half of the map, etc. This is really annoying and it has gotten worse since April. My audio reverts to am or fm radio instead of SiriusXM on every restart. Also, the number of channel presets reverts to 2 instead of 5 pages. The background reverts to default instead of the diamond pattern one I've used for years. The FordPass stopped connecting over a week ago, and on and on. Ford better come up with a fix soon with a new software update. This is the worst Sync 3 has been in almost 4 years of ownership.

Have you checked for any DTC codes? I'm guessing all the issues are likely caused by 1 item. Perhaps the APIM?


I'm wating for the next software update or doing another master reset. I refuse to pay the $100 deductible on the ESP to fix something that Ford screwed up with the latest "update/upgrade" to Sync. It's a known problem being discussed by many Edge and F-150 owners too, more so than Explorers but all have the same version of Sync and recently tried to automatically update over WiFi, such as myself, to 23088 which screwed it all up gradually, hence why Ford quietly pulled 23088 until they fix the damn thing! I'm appalled that so many people have gone to the dealer and called Ford and given the run around and even charged to replace the APIM which does not fix the problem neither does the master reset. It's merely a band-aid until the memory gets clogged up again. I've read about this extensively over the past month or so and all these cases cannot all be hardware failures and if they are they were caused by a defective software update. I read some have done multiple master resets to clear the memory before re-installing 22251 via USB which apparently returns the system to normal operation. All of the below report similar problems which like mine began sometime in April when 23088 was released and my automatic updates were turned on.


Well tried to go to 22200 and there is insufficient memory to do so. I hope Ford figures this out.

they need to replace 22251 ASAP. problem is, the low memory may prevent the APIM from being able to update the Sync version.

There are several posts in the Lincoln Aviator forum where the screen will not change to the 'night' display. I've have the same issue at times. I found that just by touching the dash brightness control it will change. For m it isn't a big issue. I don't know if that would also work in reverse for you.
As for the map issue, you could try a Master Reset but keep in mind that you will lose some saved memory settings. If still under warranty, take it to the dealer.


Missed this reply before, thanks Peter. We took it in and they "couldn't make it happen". They did a software update but refused to do anything else without a DTC. Getting in the car to leave the dealer, both issues occurred. Daytime setting and no map. Walked the electrical/IVT tech guy out on the spot and he witnessed the ghost. "Welp, I guess we'll replace the module".

This is wife's daily driver and she refuses to concede by doing a factory reset so we'll see if the module fixes either or both issue.

I didn't think to try the brightness setting to trigger the screen change but I can give that a try!

Have you checked for any DTC codes? I'm guessing all the issues are likely caused by 1 item. Perhaps the APIM?

Just replying here for completeness. On the no-map and daytime white screen setting, there were no DTCs.

Missed this reply before, thanks Peter. We took it in and they "couldn't make it happen". They did a software update but refused to do anything else without a DTC. Getting in the car to leave the dealer, both issues occurred. Daytime setting and no map. Walked the electrical/IVT tech guy out on the spot and he witnessed the ghost. "Welp, I guess we'll replace the module".

This is wife's daily driver and she refuses to concede by doing a factory reset so we'll see if the module fixes either or both issue.

I didn't think to try the brightness setting to trigger the screen change but I can give that a try!
I hate to say it but a new APIM module will likely reset everything to defaults. It will have a clear rwdata folder until the faulty software fills it up again. Hope it's under warranty for you. For me it will cost $100 deductible. Ford needs to own up to this!

I hate to say it but a new APIM module will likely reset everything to defaults. It will have a clear rwdata folder until the faulty software fills it up again. Hope it's under warranty for you. For me it will cost $100 deductible. Ford needs to own up to this!
New module resolved the problem. We are still under full warranty but that's about to end. 18 visits to the local dealer since purchase (for various issues) -- no way will I ever buy a first-year Ford again.

New module resolved the problem. We are still under full warranty but that's about to end. 18 visits to the local dealer since purchase (for various issues) -- no way will I ever buy a first-year Ford again.
I'm skeptical that the module is a permanent fix. The software version is faulty so if you're still on 22251, your memory is likely to get full again after a few months. It's essentially a more thorough master reset. I'm really hating Ford right now especially since this Sync problem began after my 3 year mark and I purchased a 4 year ESP warranty. So I've decided to keep it and hope this gets resolved free of charge. I also have 40K miles now so I needed new tires and bought a set. Glad I didn't go for the most expensive! So I'm invested in this thing now. Most days I still love driving it.

New module resolved the problem. We are still under full warranty but that's about to end. 18 visits to the local dealer since purchase (for various issues) -- no way will I ever buy a first-year Ford again.
On the bright side, you got the two bolt rear subframe on your 2020 ST...

I hate to say it but a new APIM module will likely reset everything to defaults. It will have a clear rwdata folder until the faulty software fills it up again. Hope it's under warranty for you. For me it will cost $100 deductible. Ford needs to own up to this!
Since I last posted, they (and we) have done multiple resets and the dealer replaced the module (APIM?). Problem returned after a few weeks. SYNC for us has been buggy as hell. To summarize, we still have the random reversion to auto mode from night (we dislike the white background) and still sometimes the map is mostly blank (can't see it at all in the Home Screen and on full screen map it's only the bottom 25% or so of the map.

Back to the dealer, I think this is visit 22 or 23 for this car. Never again a first year model.

Since I last posted, they (and we) have done multiple resets and the dealer replaced the module (APIM?). Problem returned after a few weeks. SYNC for us has been buggy as hell. To summarize, we still have the random reversion to auto mode from night (we dislike the white background) and still sometimes the map is mostly blank (can't see it at all in the Home Screen and on full screen map it's only the bottom 25% or so of the map.

Back to the dealer, I think this is visit 22 or 23 for this car. Never again a first year model.
What Sync version are you running? V3.4 23188 is the latest and has fixed many issues according to members that have downloaded it.


What Sync version are you running? V3.4 23188 is the latest and has fixed many issues according to members that have downloaded it.

Hi Peter, thanks.

Looks like 3.4 22251_PRODUCT but wifi updates were turned off (probably got reset with the new APIM several months ago). I'll tick that back on and see what lands.

Hi Peter, thanks.

Looks like 3.4 22251_PRODUCT but wifi updates were turned off (probably got reset with the new APIM several months ago). I'll tick that back on and see what lands.
That is the version that caused all sorts of issues that were fixed with 23188. You should also be able to check your account and if it shows an update available, you could use the USB method as well. My maps also updated via Wifi to NA 2.22 although that took a while.


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That is the version that caused all sorts of issues that were fixed with 23188. You should also be able to check your account and if it shows an update available, you could use the USB method as well. My maps also updated via Wifi to NA 2.22 although that took a while.

Got on WiFi and it says no updates. Will try the USB method.
