Center display keeps reverting to "auto" day/night mode | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Center display keeps reverting to "auto" day/night mode

Got on WiFi and it says no updates. Will try the USB method.
WiFi updates have been pretty iffy for people. Downloading to the computer and then using a flash drive to do the update has been working much better.

WiFi updates have been pretty iffy for people. Downloading to the computer and then using a flash drive to do the update has been working much better.
USB was good, got onto the latest version. Not sure if the XML upload to Ford is actually working but I'll give this a couple days to see if the bugs are squashed. Thanks to all who participated thus far in the thread!

USB was good, got onto the latest version. Not sure if the XML upload to Ford is actually working but I'll give this a couple days to see if the bugs are squashed. Thanks to all who participated thus far in the thread!
A few days now and no crazy behavior - this might be solved!
