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Central texas meet and run

Uhh, I was wondering if I forgot anything. Oh well, I'll get it soon enough. I like the the new camera addition. When you are ready to do the 4x4 conversion let me know if you need any help. I might be able to offer something to the intellectual mix. Also, Mike and Robert if yall need a dove hunting buddy in September let me know. I have a shot gun and will travel.

Thanks again for a interesting weekend.

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Looks like everyone had a great time. Great to see you guys out there on the trail:chug:

Looks like everyone had a great time. Great to see you guys out there on the trail:chug:

It was a great time!!! Being on the trail with these members and guests was awesome! And we might of sparked our other brother's intrest into the forum, just think, another one!!! :D


Had such a great time down there! But i made it home safe and sound, and will post everything tomorrow, lol im le tired :p

w00t! I'm home and I shaved a full hour off my trip...I just had to remember not to listen to my GPS. :D

I had a real blast out there. Kris made all the 4 wheeling stuff look so easy in his Mountaineer, and am now scheming to acquire it. :shifty_ey Mike gave me an awesome roller coaster ride in the Jack tearing the trails up at City Lake. I try and think that my extra ballast helped him get over those obstacles, not the new fuel pump. :p: It was great to see some new guys and some old friends, card sharks among them. (still owe you ten Chris) Thanks to Mike and Robert for setting this up and putting up with me snoring on the couch. I look forward to the next run at City Lake...but next time, I'll be hauling ass up that hill, rather than having it handed to me.

Had such a great time down there! But i made it home safe and sound, and will post everything tomorrow, lol im le tired :p

w00t! I'm home and I shaved a full hour off my trip...I just had to remember not to listen to my GPS. :D

I had a real blast out there. Kris made all the 4 wheeling stuff look so easy in his Mountaineer, and am now scheming to acquire it. :shifty_ey Mike gave me an awesome roller coaster ride in the Jack tearing the trails up at City Lake. I try and think that my extra ballast helped him get over those obstacles, not the new fuel pump. :p: It was great to see some new guys and some old friends, card sharks among them. (still owe you ten Chris) Thanks to Mike and Robert for setting this up and putting up with me snoring on the couch. I look forward to the next run at City Lake...but next time, I'll be hauling ass up that hill, rather than having it handed to me.

Glad to hear ya'll are home now!!! It was a great meet and enjoyed seeing ya'll again. Thanks for the company on the city lake trails Dan, and for letting me give the recon winch a real world field test!!!!

Until next time. :chug:

Wish I could have made it, but I was playing in the panhandle in Palo Duro Canyon, did get some good old Red River mud on it though.

Wish I could have made it, but next time for sure! looks like everyone had fun!

Where did you find a place to go off-road in Palo Duro? I am going back there in October and wouldn't mind feeling a few bumps off the beaten path .

Wish I could have made it, but I was playing in the panhandle in Palo Duro Canyon, did get some good old Red River mud on it though.

Wish I could have made it, but next time for sure! looks like everyone had fun!

Glad you got to do some wheeling!! Stay tuned, another run is in the works!!!

OK, now that i am refreshed and alive, lol, im uploading my photos and videos now so i should have them up later

Ok, well everyone above did an excellent job posting pics and stories, so ill just share what I have :p

Our first stop was a dried up creek bed. This was covered in shale rock and loose gravel which makes for interesting noises lol. And yes, EF'ers STILL cannot park in a straight line :rolleyes:



So after walking around a bit and cooling off, we walked upstream a bit and decided to see if our rigs could make it through the loose gravel and on to the shale shelf just for some fun. Mike went first:

Next was kris in his newly converted 4406 Mounty

Next was Dan in Dark Thunder

And yes, Chris was next but i didnt get video because i was walking to get Shade, lol. Then It was turn. If you listen closely, you can hear me screaming on the return

Next was curtis (43) in his 03 2wd which did really good...
Until on the return the rut's finally got him and Kris was more than eager to help tow him out, lol

After the creek bed, we all continued on the route and stopped by the old jonesboro bridge that mike and robert used to play on or something historical :D

And of course, i was the only one brave enough to traverse over to it :p:

We then stopped at the Rockhouse and cemetery for a break and breather. Real beautiful country down there and a very old cemetery







After that It was off to the City Lake for some trails! Our first stop was the old Pump house long lost and hidden quite well


Then at this point, Mike took off leaving all of us behind him confused on where to go, so I followed next and low and behold there was a trail of about 50 degrees steep and about 30 feet high..So i screamed and made it up. Next was dan behind me. He didnt fair to well however

But never fear, Mike was there with winch ready to go and pulled dan the rest of the way!


Kris was next with Curtis behind him, and since Dan has trouble in 2wd, we assumed curtis would too, so NOt only Did Kris make it up just fine, he did with Curtis towed behind him! WTG guys!!!

Next we drove around some more trails to a resting area

We stopped for a bit and chilled, i learned about open container laws of texas, and proceeded back to roberts house for food and good times.

I want to shout out a HUGE BIG AWESOME thanks to mike for putting this one and to Robert for offering his home and drink to me. Yall are some of the best, most gracious folks I know, so THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!

It was great to see old friends and meet new faces, so can't wait for the next one!!!!:thumbsup::salute:

:-( no video of me pulling curtis up the hill.. Sad Kris

It was a great time, but the carnage report is small, but you would of had to seen the obstacles we were going over, not a lot of them, but they were some good ones. Us Texas and Okie boys know how to rip crap up without ripping our stuff up. :D I am suprised I didn't rip out the underarriage of the rig on one of them.

Hahaha, you've obviously never seen me drive. ;)

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I guess the line up straight thing is just a Cali thing! lol
