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Chopped MY Top PICS

Chopped my rear top. What do you think?

Actually, I just photo chopped it. My wife thinks it is Hill Billy, but I really want to do it.

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Yeah. I knew I remembered seeing that first pic. lol I say do it to it! :D

That is one of the coolest things I've ever seen. Is it even feasibly possible though?

Yeah. There have been a good few people who've done it. If you have the fab skills, it is rather cheap to do. (unless there is something that I'm forgetting that would cost a bunch)

Yep. I think I can do it. I have a ranger tailgate that is green off a 94. It will fit perfect. I want the window, the wiper, wiper fluid squirter, 3rd brake light, rear seat all operable. A little Herc and I think it will look pretty clean. Think it will be hill billy?

Someone around here has/is doing just that. He used his rear hatch window for the back glass. It is red in color (bondo and primer too), but I can't remember who it was. There is a thread with pics somewhere.

I think you mean rookieshooter. He has a Bronco II and I think he is doing this, but then again he may just be leaving out the back window part. I can't remember. I do know that he has a tail gate on it.

Nope his is a BII. This was an explorer on here somewhere. I will start searching I guess. I know its here somewhere.

This is the one I was looking for:

click here

somewhere around me there is a chevy pickup wit ha mustang rear hatch grafted onto it... i think it looks like crap....

your truck is a sport, and i think that chop kills it... reminded me of the chevy with the mustang hatch.....

Years ago a guy I worked with took a chevy blazer (full size-removable top) and grafted a truck top and back into it (same body style). Once it was all welded up and painted it looked like very short bed unibody pickup. I kind of liked it myself.

Lmao at the guy in the second pic. If I didn't know it was a chop, I'd wonder how the hell is he's floating there.

That Punk! Beat me to it by a couple months!!!! Thanks for the link, maybe russ will update with some pics. His looks cool.

Jim thinks my idea is lame? Do you remember what you were going to do with yours?? Joking! I was sad to see your project abandoned. Reminded me of my wifes TJ with the Targa top we have on it.

So, one vote against it, 3 for it??

There is a white 4 door someone cut off as well, but they are using canvas (???)/plastic for the windows. Just type chop top in a search and you will see it.

Truckmagics? saw it. Thanks!

Thats the one I saw. Forgot the login name. :D

There's plenty with chopped tops. Msupertek, Trckmagic, and Daemon just did his. I think it looks sweet on a 4 door, but a chopped sport does not look good IMO. Just doesn't have enough body.

I bet it's keeping you up at night thinking about it? Your in that FFOM (fabricating frame of mind) and there is no cure. It's your desision.
I have plenty of sawz-all blades HA HA. Better start thinking of a project name. I vote yes

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I like the mime in pic 2 :D
