chrome around the grill/headlights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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chrome around the grill/headlights

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I would say aftermarket.

EDIT: Otherwise it came that way stock. You could get the peices from a dealer or junkyard or something like that.

They came both ways from the factory depending on the trim level.
Guys w/chrome paint it and guys w/paint want chrome.
Junk yard or ebay is probably a good place to find either.

I love chrome.

As you can see. The chrome around the lights and grill is stock.

People who have chrome usually like to paint it body color. People with body color thinks chrome is cool.

As with side moulding, running boards, fender flares,...

It's true...I have the chrome and want it body color.:rolleyes:

I'm about to paint my trim (which is gray) to match my exterior paint (which is black). :p

Considering painting mine black (chrome now), "chromed" plastic looks CHEAPO imho.

The other explorer is always greener... hehe. Yeah, I'm jumping on the bandwagon and painting it ALL green
