Cleaned my Shift Motor/ Still No Good | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cleaned my Shift Motor/ Still No Good


Active Member
December 31, 2000
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I cleaned my Shift Motor today. I did the brush end housing only. Founf some Carbon buildup/cleaned/reassembled/ Same Problem. The truck just refuses to engage 4Auto on the move. Engages fine while at a stop and stays engaged.

The one thing i did not do while i cleaned the Shift Motor was the Cap with the wiring protruding. I could prob still do that part on the vehicle anyway, but would it be related? Somone here must have had this problem...pleae help or i am going to sell my X. Mechanics are way too expensive and they too like to guess while you pay for parts.

Please update your profile so people will know your make and model year. There are many threads on this topic so searching on "Shift motor" will find them.

The cap area contains the T-case position sensor and needs to be checked. Do you have access to a voltage meter and know how to use it? If so then read the edu site and it will describe how to trouble shoot the wiring harness. If not then I can give you the info on how to use a meter.

The shift motor is actually 2 parts. The worm driven motor (which you cleaned) and the geared positon sensor. The Position sensor is notorious for getting "lost". This occurs because the plastic stop inside the sensor breaks apart over time and allows the sensor to travel slightly outside its operating range. If this happens then the the 4x4 computer module next to rear washer fluid reservoir will have no idea what position the T-cases is in and will shut down and do nothing.

You should read the info on the edu site and then take the wire harness off the shift motor and test for 4H continuity among the various pins.

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Thanks for the info. I will be removing the cap while it is mounted in the truck. The Good News? For the first time in over a year, my 4x4auto engaged nicely today! Maybe there was a wet contact or something after the cleaning, as it would not engage yesterday. Today, after many tries, it engages every time. Cleaning the motor was the key!!! I will be checking the position sensor assembly under the cap area for that possible bad stop. Note: I did not have to cut any wires to remove the motor..... i removed that red clip from within the harness and that wire was released easily. Thank again guys, as this website is the best thing i have used on the net (saving me a lot of money, time and frustration!)
