Cleaning IAC/Couple Questions | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cleaning IAC/Couple Questions


Well-Known Member
November 25, 2006
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"The outside black plastic cap that easily spins will pop off and snap back on without damage. Inside there is a felt filter pellet. Cleaning just the valve without removing this often cloggs this filter up worse. This source of back air flow balances the valve and provides clean air to prevent buildup on valve. Often just cleaning this will get rd of the moose calls. Add pictures of this and you have something."-Opera House

So pics were never put up after Opera House posted this reply in the "How To Clean IAC Thread". I basically wanted clarifacation, I take the IAC off, pop off black cap, and spray the chit out of it with cleaner (there isnt anywhere to spray that can be damaging i assume?), then let it dry, right? I have a list of stuff to do on my truck tomorrow so I thought I would throw this in there before i start everything else. I have been having some starting issues lately. The truck starts instantly at 5am in the morning cold, when i leave work though about 330, and for the rest of the evening it may take anywhere from upwards to 3 seconds cranking to start (after truck is warmed up). Hopefully this will help. Thanks

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So i just realized the how to was for the OHV, i have the SOHC. My IAC sit directly on top of the engine under the intake cover. There is no black cap on the IAC, it looks the exact same but with no cap. Is the procedure the same on my SOHC? Please any advice will help as i have it off right now as i do not want to screw something up. Thanks

I have had no luck whatsoever in cleaning the IAC on my SOHC. I have had to replace it.

One day a couple weeks ago my sohc keeping stalling when idling and I took the IAC off and cleaned it with carb cleaner and a tooth brush and its been working fine since.

thanks, just wanted to make sure i wasnt doing anything wrong.
