CLogged/Broken Heater Core?? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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CLogged/Broken Heater Core??


August 13, 2013
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1996 & 2006
We have had a cool past few mornings and in the drive in, I have wanted to turn on a bit of defroster/heat. Well anytime I turn on the defroster for my front windshield within seconds of cutting it on my entire front window is "filmed over" similar to what happens to the bathroom mirror when you take a steaming hot shower.

I have not tested this when my vehicle has been cold, I had been driving for roughly 75 minutes before I cut it on, and had to immediately turn to cold air to clear the wind shield so I could drive.

Is this a busted/clogged heater core or something totally unrelated? I am getting weary as it seems almost daily I find a new issue with my vehicle ...

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You might remove the blower motor and look inside for leaves and debris which might be clogging the drain spout.

Unless you are loosing coolant and the inside vapor smells like anitfreeze-coolant, I would suspect condensation inside the hvac housing is the source of the moisture.

You might remove the blower motor and look inside for leaves and debris which might be clogging the drain spout.

Unless you are loosing coolant and the inside vapor smells like anitfreeze-coolant, I would suspect condensation inside the hvac housing is the source of the moisture.

UGH - I sincerely hope that is not the cause....I probably around 4 months ago just had a new EVERY peice of HVAC installed as my ac was not working.

Any guide or steps on how to remove the blower motor?

I agree with Turdle...a simple condensation issue. I'm guessing that the humidity level down there in GA is fairly high already this season...and, mixed with cooler morning air, can cause this. It's not all that uncommon of occurrence in my part of the country; especially, on damp, cool days.

At this point you probably have high humidity in the cabin and it would be a good idea to put a dehumidifier in there to get the extra moisture out before it turns funny mildewy. Just don't overdo it if you have leather seats that haven't been conditioned in a long time.

It must have something to do with the outside temp and the temp inside the cabin, as this only occurs in the cooler mornings - ideal times to have heat/defrost - and as it warms on up no issue.

Confirmed this a short while ago, at 630 this morning the heat would just fog up the window, now that is 12 p.m. head will burn your tail with no fogging.

If all goes as planned, I will be checking that drain clog and determine if it is clogged this afternoon.

Start the vehicle and leave the trans in park. Pop the hood and locate the Air conditioning compressor. Turn on your defrost and monitor the AC compressor. The compressor should cycle on and off during defrost. Air conditioning/ cold evaporator coil is a dehumidifier, to prevent fogging of the windows the vehicle will cycle the AC to pull humidity out of the air stream. I know it sounds weird that the vehicle will run the ac during heating but the only way to pull water out of humid air is to flow it across a object that is colder than itself. Like a cold beer or favorite beverage that "sweats" when sitting out on the counter or outside on a warm humid day.
