clogged coolant reservoir port - potential coolant loss | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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clogged coolant reservoir port - potential coolant loss


Moderator Emeritus
May 26, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Greenville, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
00 Sport FI, 03 Ltd V8
I noticed a while back that there was coolant on top of the radiator near the overflow port/hose connection. I assumed that the hose was old and no longer tight on the port. Being a hose clamp fanatic (I have hose clamps on my vacuum hose connections) I simply installed a hose clamp on the overflow hose end and gave it no more thought. Today while preparing to remove the coolant reservoir I attempted to drain its coolant by disconnecting the overflow hose at the radiator filler neck and lowering the end of the hose into a container. I was surprised there was no flow. Next I opened the tank filler opening and blew into the tank but still there was no flow. So I siphoned out the coolant and the washer fluid and removed the assembly. On inspection I found there was a collection of "gunk" at the bottom completely blocking any flow thru the port in either direction. I used a small flat blade screw driver to "drill" out the gunk. I was able to scrape out the rest with a long flat blade screwdriver.

The overflow system is designed to capture coolant that expands in the radiator as the temperature increases. When the engine is shut off the coolant is recovered from the reservoir as the coolant in the radiator cools (contracts) creating a slight vacuum. If the port in the coolant reservoir is clogged the system will not function and coolant will be lost.

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Hmmm...excellent observation. I will have to go eyeball my '99. I've noticed the level in the coolant reservoir stays pretty much the same, cold or hot.


Seth K. Pyle

The wifes explorer had the same problem with the hose being clogged.

Old post, I know. But that actually looks pretty cool. Is that the correct size hose?
