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Colindo94 front 3 link

I decided to sell the radius arms a few weeks ago and redesign the front suspension. I will be using the same steering, trackbar, coils, and front axle, but everything else went.

The links are all made of 2" OD 1.5" ID DOM tubing. The axle end have a 3" poly bushing from ballistic. The chassis end is a 2.63" flex joint from ballistic. All of the flex joints will be adjustable, but the bushings are welded streight to the link. I'm not a hundred 100% sure of the length of the links but they will be pretty long. the lower links are going to be longer then the upper link. and the upper link is going to be a drivers side upper link.

All bracketry is made of 1/4" steel. Some are from ballistic and ruffstuff, but most will be custom made.

I've been working on the 3 link calculater a little and hours of sitting under the truck with a measuring tape trying to plan. MAny research hours. And I can use all the help I can get.

Few pics of the start



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The passenger side can stuff higher then the driver side, but it stuffs high enough to not matter on the driver side.

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So lets talk coilovers and airshocks. I have to drive this on the road to the trails and what not. I know coilovers would probably b the way to go, but what do you have to say about airshocks. So if you have any input that be great.

o ya


I got it on the road today

pics tomorrow

Congrats, nice job! Airshocks might be a little too scary driving to the trail and back. I'm sure IZ will chime in about road manners with airshocks, and he only has them on the front.

Like you know, coilovers will be much more controlled of the two, but it could be just a need of changing your driving style to get there and back. I'm curious to see the outcome of this choice too.

EDIT: Damn, too slow... :)

I would like some nice coilovers but lack the $. Airshocks seem cool, they flew really well. I'm just a little worried about road manners. I hear they also heat up on long trail rides and become softer. And that they are no good on the road because they just get to hot. Any input iz? This isn't anything I'm in a huge hurry with because I got the coils on now and they seem to do ok. It's good because I want to make the right decision in the long run. besides school starts next week and I'll have very little time and money for the next many years. Paying for classes, books, everything else= NO MONEY FOR TRUCK.

O and thanks for the input. I like they idea of the limit straps for on road use

Well in the long run, I think the C/Os are the better choice. You don't have to worry about them getting hot and fading. They will handle on the road better. They are more tunable. They are probably going to be more reliable in every aspect and they just look cooler. :)


for a set of coils and shocks you can buy two coilovers. Reviews have been great on these and they sell for $200.00 a piece...so its cheaper than air shocks.

This is what im going to be using when i get my tax return.

Yea I've been looking at them also. Are you going to run the ones with a resavoir?

Here are some shots of it sitting on the tires. I still have the shocks to mount, paint, finish welding up a few thing, ect. The only issue so far is my tires rub on the lower links. I thought about this when I was mounting the links, but figured it wouldn't be mush of an issue. Well now it bothers me and I will either cut of the lower link mounts and move them in or find some different wheels somewhere. Any suggestions? I like where the lower links tie in now and don't really want to change it.








Don't hold me to this, but if I remember correctly its arount 34.5" and the lowers are 43.5"

Shocks mounted:thumbsup:

All painted up, lubed up, and ready to roll:thumbsup:



Looks good! Heck, I'd vote for just retaining the coils that you have currently unless you absolutely can't live without a set of bling coilovers.

Yea I defently plan to run them for a while. They do alright.

looks sweet! did you keep it the same height?

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No flex shots yet. I just started school and don't have a lot of time to mess with the truck for a while. Plus the rain won't stop. I have a few little thinks to do.

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