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Colindo94 front 3 link

I decided to sell the radius arms a few weeks ago and redesign the front suspension. I will be using the same steering, trackbar, coils, and front axle, but everything else went.

The links are all made of 2" OD 1.5" ID DOM tubing. The axle end have a 3" poly bushing from ballistic. The chassis end is a 2.63" flex joint from ballistic. All of the flex joints will be adjustable, but the bushings are welded streight to the link. I'm not a hundred 100% sure of the length of the links but they will be pretty long. the lower links are going to be longer then the upper link. and the upper link is going to be a drivers side upper link.

All bracketry is made of 1/4" steel. Some are from ballistic and ruffstuff, but most will be custom made.

I've been working on the 3 link calculater a little and hours of sitting under the truck with a measuring tape trying to plan. MAny research hours. And I can use all the help I can get.

Few pics of the start



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rear trans cross member

front trans crossmember


I also got the drive shafts in.
gettin there

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I got a chance to drive around the driveway a little bit today. I couldn't wait to try out the double low. It was *****in. When hit the brakes on the concrete it will just burnout in place:D Great fun. I also got the lap belts mounted. They are mastercraft lap belts. I just welded tabs and bolted them in. Ill get some pictures later.

To do list:
gas filler
wiring(any one have a wiring diagram for the gauge cluster so I can use the stock wiring for the aftermarket gauges?)Any help for the wiring would be great. Im a little lost.
cut fenders a bit
shifter cover
and other small things:confused:

I want to go wheeling:mad:

The plan was to dovetail it, But the explorer frame is so wide back there it would be kinda pointless. I could only move each side in like 6inches.

Thanks again for the link to your thread. A ton of work went into making that thread. And it helped me a ton with giving me an understanding of a lot of the wiring behind my dash.

Awsome job on the three link. You should consider making a weld in kit for a Explorer / Ranger SAS.
The only thing I saw that could be improved was this bracket welded to the bottom of the frame. It could be plated on both sides with tabs going up onto the sides of the frame, then welded to the sides of the frame for added strength. My radius arms brackets are done that way because I did not think they looked strong enough just mounted on the bottom of the frame.

Thats on the to do list. I will be plating/boxing the back of the frame and boxing the outside part to clean it up and make it stronger.

Thats on the to do list. I will be plating/boxing the back of the frame and boxing the outside part to clean it up and make it stronger.
Well.........alrighty then. Great job!

we have a new project on our hands as well...

an 87 samurai! we're thinkin links stretched WB and some 37s?? we'll see as time goes on.

an 87 samurai! we're thinkin links stretched WB and some 37s
Might be a problem with that tire diam: axle shafts and the CV-joint thingy (like a toyota birfield).

He forgot to mention the yota axles

Here are some updates. I started work on the dash. I still need to buy the gauges. I also started sorting out the wiring.



I'm also starting to pull everything apart so I can prep and paint. I need some suggestions on what kind of paint to use. It will be a darker shade of red and I want to keep it cheap and single staged so I can touch up when needed. If anyone has any ideas that would be great.


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For some reason I hate rustoleum. It seems to never dry up and it takes like 3 days to get dry. Also it's seems to be soft as hell. I was thinkin maybe dublicolor. The rattle can of course:D
