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Colindo94 front 3 link

I decided to sell the radius arms a few weeks ago and redesign the front suspension. I will be using the same steering, trackbar, coils, and front axle, but everything else went.

The links are all made of 2" OD 1.5" ID DOM tubing. The axle end have a 3" poly bushing from ballistic. The chassis end is a 2.63" flex joint from ballistic. All of the flex joints will be adjustable, but the bushings are welded streight to the link. I'm not a hundred 100% sure of the length of the links but they will be pretty long. the lower links are going to be longer then the upper link. and the upper link is going to be a drivers side upper link.

All bracketry is made of 1/4" steel. Some are from ballistic and ruffstuff, but most will be custom made.

I've been working on the 3 link calculater a little and hours of sitting under the truck with a measuring tape trying to plan. MAny research hours. And I can use all the help I can get.

Few pics of the start



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Dude, do not sell your trail rig.
Just park it on the side of your house and go sit in every so often. Maybe find an few hours in every month to go on a short off road adventure. If you sell it, you will only have to spend all that money and time once again. It doesn't cost anything to park it for a year or two.

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im workin toward selling my rig. Im asking 2,200 for it as a whole. It would be a great project to finish up or take the parts for your own rig. It will include everything. Im posting here to see if I get any interest from you guys because I would rather someone from this site buy it. Thanks

still plan on selling this? i think my dad is looking for something to do.

I will depending on how much he is willing to pay. Just let me know. I think you know the details pretty good.

im trying to talk him out of this.. makes it hard when the shop is temp close, and not living near the shop anymore. would still love to get this thing done.

gearing up for this summer... its running great. i know it doesnt look like much still but it runs good. the list is getting smaller i promise.


one more for now.


any thoughts on CA smog and re-title? I know it incolves a smog referee of some sort to get the new VIN and such, but I am not certain on the process..

any thoughts on CA smog and re-title? I know it incolves a smog referee of some sort to get the new VIN and such, but I am not certain on the process..
Why would you need a new VIN?
What happened to the old VIN?

Why would you need a new VIN?
What happened to the old VIN?

it was a 1994 explorer and now has a 1987 ranger body, there are two conflicting VIN #s..

it was a 1994 explorer and now has a 1987 ranger body, there are two conflicting VIN #s..

Oh, I could see where that might be a problem.
You should go to the DMV and get a form, I think its a REG34
Then you make an appoinment with your local CHP office to have them inspect the vehicle. Bring all your paperwork (receipts, bills of sale, etc.) and the titles to both vehicles, if you have them. They will decide what you need to register it as....I'm guessing a 1994 'Special Construction' since they should go with the frame number.

If they can find the frame #. When I bought my Mountaineer from a member from AZ, the door tag was not in place. So the CHP spent about 20 minutes scraping at the frame to try and find the VIN but had no luck. I guess he just took my word for it. :D Luckily I have the face of a Saint. I don't know what you would do, costman. :p:

haha thanks section.. we have the title for the ex frame but no dice for the ranger body. once i round up a trailer looks like i will be headed to the DMV. i have a feeling i will be needing some mud flaps and fender flares... oh boy.

also will be painting the pile soon. has anybody heard of Interlux Brightside paint? (http://ttora.com/forum/showthread.php?t=57181) it is a marine paint for boats and the hulls of boats. it is a roll on and brush out application that promises to be very sturdy and apparently lays flat and smooth.

How hard was it to put the ranger body on the explorer frame?

I spoke to my buddy at work who actually does the VIN inspections. He says its no big deal as long as you have both titles and some paperwork for the parts.
The vehicle will be registered as a 1994 ford UT (utility) because of the frame. The Ranger numbers will be removed and a new blue VIN plate attached in the drivers door well. The good news is you don't have to pay weight fees because its still considered a passenger vehicle; the bad news is you could get pulled over a lot driving around with passenger plates on a pickup.

Im going to continue to work on selling this thing and possibly parting it out. PM me if your interested in either. I'm going to be in town (Sacramento) off and on for the summer so if your interested in coming to check it out, let me know.

i would like to see it. if you wheel it. lol

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might me interested in the doubler-

I would like to just come look it over to get ideas for my next stage
