Convert 2wd to 4wd | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Convert 2wd to 4wd


Well-Known Member
November 7, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver, BC
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 Sport 2dr, 5spd, OHV
Has anyone done this on a Explorer Sport - and was it expensive?
I have found a 2002 2dr sport that is 2wd (never heard of that before) and wondering what would be involved in converting it..


i am pretty sure everything will jsut bolt on, but you will need crossmembers and such, and the whole drivetrain as the driveshaft lengths and tranny will all be different

honestly, i would just buy a 4wd to begin with, its cheaper than trying to source parts without a honor vehicle

wow.. sounds like a lot to do - way more than i thought.. i just thought at 8500.00 with 30,000 miles on it - it is too good of a deal to pass up. (2002)

Could i put a locker in the back of it? (like a detroit ez locker)

Yeah, you need the tranny/driveshafts the whole front end, the 2wd front end is built off the frame a little differently, I don't know how long it takes to do the conversion, but if you were able to find a wrecked 4X4 sport may turn out to be a cheaper conversion than going to a junkyard and finding all the parts.
