Core support information decals | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Core support information decals

Due to a crash happening to our f150 I had to use a salvage yard core support -headlught access trim cover.
Decals were peeling even after someone stuck shipping tape over them years ago. After cleaning them off I wondered if new were available.

Auto data labels dot com.

I emailed an inquiry. Return email said to expect an email with pricing info .

6 days later, no email. Express delivery ups package arrives at door.


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Along with an invoice for 44.95
thats the way it sometimes is, argh!!! then you're left with not much choice but to use it & pay up! frustrating.

No pricing? And they just sent the stickers? Never got any payment Info? That’s crazy they must think you are a body shop

Or, maybe

" We have stacks of these old decals, if we quoted a price that cheap turdle dude would not buy"

Probably their best chance of getting anything out of 2003 f150 decals. I'll just pay it.

No pricing? And they just sent the stickers? Never got any payment Info? That’s crazy they must think you are a body shop
First field of request form was business name. I typed in "none" .

Or, maybe

" We have stacks of these old decals, if we quoted a price that cheap turdle dude would not buy"

Probably their best chance of getting anything out of 2003 f150 decals. I'll just pay it.
there was a guy looking for parts for his old motorcycle... when he called back the next day (long story short he was really rude so i wasnt too happy about it) i immediately knew who it was when he said he didn't just call the day before... but it was the only chance to get rid of an old part... but needless to say he didnt buy it since i couldnt give a discount on it (policy)

Well guess what
I just ordered some decals as well, I need a set
So I went to the link and filled out the form
It does not clearly say on their front page that they will ship your order and you will be invoiced

Once you hit the “order sticker” button and enter your info
They ship your stickers w an invoice! What a crazy business model

I am okay with the $45 so I went ahead and got a set coming
But I can’t believe they just send them and hope you pay

