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Corkey's Ranger of Danger


Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
January 3, 2008
Reaction score
Sioux Narrows Canada
City, State
Elite Canuck,multiple ifs offender,, and musky maniac,, i wheel and i fish,,
Year, Model & Trim Level
99 xls,96 xl,91,08 Ranger
Coming Soon,

James Duff 6 inch lift

P A 3 inch body lift,

maybe some 31x15.5 ag tires
these are the tires i am looking at ,


  • ag tires 31x15.5.jpg
    ag tires 31x15.5.jpg
    13.2 KB · Views: 3,497

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you forgot about the 35's that are in the ranger as well! my poor old ranger had such a easy life. lol.

Well Tim, the Ranger is going to be an ongoing just for off road project, it could get pretty wild over time,,

hey Dave, i don't even have the thing yet, i pick it up on Saturday, maybe Tim has a pic of it as it sits,

long story short, i bought a Ranger off vroomzoomboom and i am gonna get loco on it,,

i cant believe it! I've owned that thing for 10 years, and i don't even have a really good pic.
this is about the only one that i have (behind my never ending money pit for a capri) and that was taken about 7 years ago!


jay, i have/had a 90 ranger that some punks chucked a 4x4 fence post at it one night while it was parked on the street in front of my house. it took out the back window, and dented the cab in pretty good. the insurance company totaled it (2500 in damages.....whatever). i was thinking of getting a newer truck but this pushed it up. pete wanted it for a new toy, so he is going to buy it for the buy back cost.

want irony? a week to the day after that happened, my buddy (gord) that painted my explorer, his son would park gords MINT 85 pinto in the same spot when he was at school. i wake up to find a kid banging on my door. i look outside and see this


1985 Pinto ?? they only made em till 1980 down here:scratch:

1985 Pinto ?? they only made em till 1980 down here:scratch:

i stand corrected! it was a 80. looking online that was the last year they were made. i just knew that he had the last production year that they made them. i thought it was 85, but that was when his uncle bought it. my bad!

teaser picture,

6 inch James Duff lift kit with dual front shock kit,,


  • james duff 6 inch,.jpg
    james duff 6 inch,.jpg
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James duff FTW!

throw a supperunner kit on with that and youll be happy

well crap

that didn't work out so well,
i just loaded up and hooked up the dolly wheels, and hit the road,,
unfortunately i forgot a few things,.,
i got yanked by the cops, for no license plate on the dolly wheels, which i completely forgot about,,
and while he was at it, he also wrote me a ticket for not being able to show a valid insurance form , even though i have insurance,

final total,
$40 in gas, 4 hours of my time, and $180 in tickets,, ,

try again next weekend

okay vroomzoomboom also found me a front bumper, should it go on here or the Explorer?

it should go on this one,


  • ranger bump 1.jpeg
    ranger bump 1.jpeg
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  • ranger bump 2..jpeg
    ranger bump 2..jpeg
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well, i did a bunch of digging and i may beat the one ticket for $110 ,
it seems a tow dolly doesn't require a license plate here, so, the policeman wrote a bad ticket, i am just waiting for written confirmation that is to be emailed to me, than i will go to town and show that to the Judge, and get that one dropped,,


off again in the morning, should have pics and parts tomorrow night in this thread,

If you can show that you are in fact insured, you might be able to get that one dropped or reduced as well.

well winter that is not really how it happens in Ontario, he didn't charge me with not having insurance , he charged me with not having proof with me, which in Canada is required by law.
if he had charged me with no insurance i could produce the card and get that one taken away,
that way i have to pay the ticket ,

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well winter that is not really how it happens in Ontario, he didn't charge me with not having insurance , he charged me with not having proof with me, which in Canada is required by law.
if he had charged me with no insurance i could produce the card and get that one taken away,
that way i have to pay the ticket ,

Damn that sucks, I was in a similar situation and went to court and the DA dropped it without me even having to talk to the judge.

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