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Corkey's Ranger of Danger

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it's home now, photos to follow, and than let the modding begin,,

to give everyone a update, pete made it here (without any tickets either). he picked up the bumper (that thing is enormous) as well as my (well, his now, i miss it already) ranger. he gave me a hand by towing a parts explorer to gords, and picked the ranger up from there. we sat and chatted for a bit, then he had to take off. he wanted to try and get home before dark (and i don't think that happened), but he did make it back safe and sound. hopefully he will have pics up tomorrow.

yeah, i was all happy to be going home in light when it happened,,
i came upon some people on the road fixing an Explorer, , how could i drive past ??

i didn't,, so,,
on the side of the Trans Canada highway i put a lower ball joint in a 2001 Sport Trac,, with hand tools, and a hydraulic jack, and got the lady and her kids back on the road again,, than went on my way , not accepting the money she offered,,
the stunned other people that stopped to help were shocked and amazed..


a little dark, but here's the first pic,


  • Ranger stable.jpg
    Ranger stable.jpg
    108.9 KB · Views: 997

Are the white dots snow flakes?

i use to run these on a toyota, they work awsome for dirt and sand, but suck on the rocks. my ifs could not handle them, i think i broke every part in the front axle at least once

just a trace of the white stuff last night,
yes the floaties were flakes,


  • snow on hood.jpg
    snow on hood.jpg
    108.1 KB · Views: 944

them tires would only be used in mud , i have others for rocks,


  • ranger tires.jpg
    ranger tires.jpg
    146.8 KB · Views: 988

Yes Pete that was very kind of you to do that.


Knowing you though, I wouldn't expect anything less. And for that I feel fortunate.

wow, thanks guys,,
give you a warm feeling doesn't it,

a few pictures of my newest addition to the stable, and the subject of this thread,,

for this, i got a smokin deal from a good friend,,

in darn decent shape for a rust belt vehicle,

and i already have these for it,, 31x10.5,

when i come out there, i should see if i can pound the cab out so we can put the window in it. looking at them pics makes me miss it already, and it hasn't even been a week yet!

Nice Tim, ,
body lifting starts next Saturday at about 12 noon, when we have the box off you can get right in there close,,

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dont really need the box off, just a block of wood, and a BFH. if you get time, can you take the trim panel off on the inside for me how ever. if you can't not a big deal.
