Courier | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Moderator Emeritus
Moderator Emeritus
September 29, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Vancouver B.C, Canada
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XL Ex-Police
Not a Ranger....And still owned by my pop....:D

It's just you never see them on here...

1978 Ford Courier
2.3L Engine
Long box (7')
101,000 KILOMETERS...I rolled it over for the first time:D

Um, thats about it.....It passes the top 10% of its class in emissions every year!


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I haven't seen one of those since my uncle had his back in the early 80's. That was a funny site too, picture a guy that is 6'7" and about 280# of solid muscle behind the wheel of a little truck.

Around here, you still see lots of the Mazdas....But not the Fords.

HAHAHAHA! A COURIER! SWEET! ive only ever seen one of them, and it was identical to that beauty right there. it was for sale for 500 bucks, and appeared to be in good condition.


I use to have a green 79 w/ 2.3L auto..

That was one hell of a tough little truck, I got it in 1990 with 97K on the odo, after 4yrs and 180K the tranny crapped out and I cut it into a trailer..... it made one hell of a trailer too....

I saw one in show room condition with 35's under it a few years back. Looked REALLY sharp. I was in love. It has a 5.0L and a solid front end.......

Good lookin' Courier mate:) ..... I had a '74 a few years was a good lit'l truck.....had a slight electrical problem, I had to do a 'jumper-wire' for the solenoid to get a good connection then it worked fine, wouldn't start sometimes in the most in-convenient places :):)

I saw one in show room condition with 35's under it a few years back. Looked REALLY sharp. I was in love. It has a 5.0L and a solid front end.......

That would be sweet.

That stock picture takes me back to when my friend's dad bought one brand new baby blue 4 cylinder, 5-speed longbed. That truck took many beatings and kept on ticking! Ford needs to get back to the basics and make more affordable trucks instead of power everything and miles of wires for crap you don't need in a truck.

One of my buddies had one of those things, we were driving to lunch one day and the left seat rail of the seat I was sitting in fell through the floor... Unreal! I thought I was going to have to Flintstone... :D I still think those little things are cool...
