Crankcase Pressure Sensor | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Crankcase Pressure Sensor


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August 3, 2022
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2016 Explorer Sport
Where or how can I find this part? My truck currently needs a Cat replacement and this part as well but I am unable to find it to purchase, or where it is located in the engine area? Thanks in advanced .

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General information, from the 2016 PCED:

Crankcase Pressure Sensor

The crankcase pressure sensor measures the vacuum in the positive crankcase ventilation (PCV) system. A change in the PCV system vacuum greater than a calibrated threshold indicates the PCV system is disconnected and will set a DTC. The crankcase pressure sensor is located in the PCV system hose between the intake air system air cleaner and the engine crankcase PCV inlet.

2022-08-06 14_09_50-Service Information - Description and Operation.png


Found this thread with a photo: 2016 Explorer Sport PCV valve? Sensor is in the middle of the photo.

Just had this code appear last Friday on my 2016 Explorer. Took it to the Ford Dealer for repair. Total coast to repair is $547.12. $165 to read the code, even though I told them what the code is. $340.60 to replace the Crankcase Pressure Sensor and Hose ASSY, and Program the PCM. I tried to find my vehicle on, but they don't show the 2016 Explorer. Strange! They show my 2014 Taurus SHO. Why is it so hard to find a shop manual for the 2016 Explorer? Could have saved a bunch of money If I had the manual to show me how to do the repair!

Welcome to the Forum Doug. :wave:


. Why is it so hard to find a shop manual for the 2016 Explorer? Could have saved a bunch of money If I had the manual to show me how to do the repair!

It is not hard to find the manual. You should have asked for me manual. Many have the link in their signature.

Use the link from here

(links look wrong, but they work)

or go one step up and you can find the wiring diagrams too (or other versions

these are links in ToC

Links do still work for me just fine. I am not logged in with anything and still can access them. I do not know why you cannot access them.

Anybody else can access those links?


Worked for me.
