Tire pressure sensor fault light on | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Tire pressure sensor fault light on


Active Member
December 7, 2021
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2016 Ford Explorer XLT
(I've only had the (2016 XLT) Explorer a couple of months.) Just driving around the tire pressure sensor fault light came on, and the little lit-up icon of a tire tread. It came on, then was gone for a few days. Now it's back. I got the Explorer from a friend, and he had all the tire pressure sensors either checked or replaced. Unfortunately, he lives in another state and having his mechanic look at it is not feasible. Plus, I don't really feel like bothering my friend about it. He gave me as sweetheart deal on this and it's mine now. So I researched it and it means either the sensor is malfunctioning and or one of the tires is low.

1) Can I just keep the tire pressure at the correct levels manually and ignore the warning?
2) How much does it usually cost to repair such an issue?

A couple of slightly different questions:
3) Exploring through all the arrows and displays on the steering wheel I once came across something that showed all four of the tires' pressures. How can I access that again?
4) Again on the steering wheel controls, I once got the fuel gauge and the engine temperature gauge on the display simultaneously and have been unable to get to that combination again. Anyone know how can access it?


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First question. Have you actually checked the tire pressure?
The answer to #1 is YES, but then you won't know when or if the tire is actually low unless you check regularly.
To fix the issue, if the sensor is bad, the tire will have to be removed as well as the old sensor. The new sensor will then be replaced along with the tire and you will likely need a wheel balance. Cost depends on your dealer's pricing.
For #3 and#4, the best source for that info can be found in the Owner's Manual. Check the Manual under Information Displays.


Thanks a lot, Peter. Yes, I checked the tires' pressure. They were all good. And the tire pressure sensor fault no longer comes on. (I don't know why.) Thanks for the link on the tire sensor repair. And I just got done going through Information Displays, and I learned a lot of great stuff. Thanks for suggesting it.

Thanks a lot, Peter. Yes, I checked the tires' pressure. They were all good. And the tire pressure sensor fault no longer comes on. (I don't know why.) Thanks for the link on the tire sensor repair. And I just got done going through Information Displays, and I learned a lot of great stuff. Thanks for suggesting it.
What were the temperatures like when the light came on? If it was in the single digits, then your air pressure would have been lower than when it is warmer - thus the light going out. Happens on a regular basis in these parts. May not be the issue, but something to think about.

What were the temperatures like when the light came on? If it was in the single digits, then your air pressure would have been lower than when it is warmer - thus the light going out. Happens on a regular basis in these parts. May not be the issue, but something to think about.
Thanks. It was cold for sure. Maybe 15 degrees. Googling around I saw someone said that the cold caused the light to come on, and I'm pretty sure that's what happened to me too. It came on for about two days, and now it hasn't been on for a week or so. So I think I'm good.

There were several days when it was -15 F here and no issues with the TPMS. Temps have been unusually cold this winter. It's 37 F right now where I am. Crazy weather.


There were several days when it was -15 F here and no issues with the TPMS. Temps have been unusually cold this winter. It's 37 F right now where I am. Crazy weather.

Yeah, who knows, technology is quirky. Plus this SUV was in the deep south before it got here. (It might be the sensitive type!)

We've had below zero weather too this winter, but who knows, we might have the 80s soon. The weather is just completely topsy turvy.

21f here, with up to 12" of snow coming overnite which is unusual in the Midwest.

21f here, with up to 12" of snow coming overnite which is unusual in the Midwest.
Yeah, you guys south of us got it worse this time. (I'm just outside Chicago. We only got 6 inches.)
