Custom Full Screen Instrument Panel Cluster Mod (16-19 Platinums) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom Full Screen Instrument Panel Cluster Mod (16-19 Platinums)


Well-Known Member
March 6, 2016
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2016 Explorer Platinum
This post will detail the modification, flashing, and bezel removal to convert the 16-19 Platinum Instrument Panel Clusters to a full-screen display(no longer a hybrid digital/analog IPC). This mod was made possible with custom designed firmware graphics by Pawel and a 3D-printed bezel by Thierry on the FORD UPGRADES Facebook group. For custom firmware, please contact Pawel on the FORD UPGRADES group.

Below: a modified Mondeo IPC

Below: Custom Explorer firmware (preview is in km/kmh)

1) Firmware modification
EJ7T-14C025-AA (Secondary Bootloader)
JB5T-14C026-EB (Software)
JB5T-14C026-FB (Software)
JB5T-14C088-EB (Graphics)
JB5T-14C088-FB (Main Graphics file)

The main graphics file can be modified using the web interface at PimpMyFord but I recommend contacting Pawel for a custom firmware.

2) Firmware flashing
As long as you have the latest firmware installed, only the SBL and main graphics file need to be selected when flashing. This can be done with UCDS or FORScan Beta.

JB5T-14C088-FB(modified graphics file)

3) Changing the IPC bezel
Remove the IPC. First lift off the flap then pry the bezel forward with a nylon pry tool. There are two snaps at the top and two at the bottom. When you pull the bezel out you must disconnect the temp sensor in the lower right side.

Remove the IPC and disconnect the single cable on the back.


Note: Temperature sensor connector in lower right

Remove the Torx T15 screws and carefully un-snap the front of the display. Unscrew the T10 screws from the back of the display, remove the shielding, then disconnect the ribbon cable for LED lighting of the numbers. Unscrew the T10 screws from the front of the display and replace with the new bezel. Re-assemble the display - be sure to use compressed air to keep all dust out of the enclosure.




4) Final product




(without bezel)
272886238-10228550842141181-1197524386094371040-n.jpg 273012840-10228550841821173-9127269138097016214-n.jpg

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This Look Sick Awesome

Just added the final photos, it came out great.

Looks awesome.

I tried poking around Facebook but I am not a member. Can you post more info about the program used to generate those graphics files? I am a software nerd and I'd like to take a try at it.

Do you know if this would work in older models or not as well? Like 2011-15?

Looks awesome.

I tried poking around Facebook but I am not a member. Can you post more info about the program used to generate those graphics files? I am a software nerd and I'd like to take a try at it.

Do you know if this would work in older models or not as well? Like 2011-15?
The graphics have to be created manually(Photoshop, Illustrator, Affinity, etc) and this is all custom. Pawel Dubiel in the Facebook group is the only person I am aware of that is creating custom graphics files and selling them. This will not work in models earlier than 2016 as there were major changes in the vehicle architecture- CANBUS version, PATS in BCM vs. IPC, required gateway module, other module incompatibility, etc.

That looks awesome, may I ask what it cost you?

I’d be interested in doing something similar. I am putting one of these in my 17 FPIU. One thing I noticed is at the pimp my ford link I don’t see the DL so if you could help possibly with the whole process I’d appreciate it.

I’d be interested in doing something similar. I am putting one of these in my 17 FPIU. One thing I noticed is at the pimp my ford link I don’t see the DL so if you could help possibly with the whole process I’d appreciate it.
Unfortunately the site is gone. There is only one person I know of that can create the custom firmware at this point, Pawel Dubiel on the FORD UPGRADE Facebook group.

Unfortunately the site is gone. There is only one person I know of that can create the custom firmware at this point, Pawel Dubiel on the FORD UPGRADE Facebook group.
Can you possibly link me the Facebook group and then I will join I guess. Also when you were putting this in did you have any type of clearance issues behind the gauge cluster because when I push the platinum cluster in it seems like I need another quarter of an inch to secure my screws.

Can you possibly link me the Facebook group and then I will join I guess. Also when you were putting this in did you have any type of clearance issues behind the gauge cluster because when I push the platinum cluster in it seems like I need another quarter of an inch to secure my screws.

This instrument panel cluster came with my vehicle (Platinum trim), so there were no issues with fitting it.

This instrument panel cluster came with my vehicle (Platinum trim), so there were no issues with fitting it.
Actually that’s right you do say your platinum owner. Can I ask you a small question when you have a minute possibly today if it’s possible because if not I’ve already started to return on my platinum cluster but what I’m asking is can you take your close her out and take a picture of the area that would normally be behind the cluster because right now I have about a quarter inch gap from it fitting correctly back onto the hole so I could bolt it in. I really can’t figure out why it won’t sit all the way back in the hole.

Was the cluster from an Explorer? A few other vehicles have the same display but the clear lens has to be swapped for the Explorer-specific mounting points.

Oh wow, I finally got my Platinum cluster all working, now I have to break it again! :D

Does this work on the older 2014 sports? If so I'd be very interested in this upgrade.

Edit: nevermind got so engulfed in the thread I forgot it said (16-19) whomp...

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This post will detail the modification, flashing, and bezel removal to convert the 16-19 Platinum Instrument Panel Clusters to a full-screen display(no longer a hybrid digital/analog IPC). This mod was made possible with custom designed firmware graphics by Pawel and a 3D-printed bezel by Thierry on the FORD UPGRADES Facebook group. For custom firmware, please contact Pawel on the FORD UPGRADES group.

Below: a modified Mondeo IPC
View attachment 426615

Below: Custom Explorer firmware (preview is in km/kmh)
View attachment 426616

1) Firmware modification
EJ7T-14C025-AA (Secondary Bootloader)
JB5T-14C026-EB (Software)
JB5T-14C026-FB (Software)
JB5T-14C088-EB (Graphics)
JB5T-14C088-FB (Main Graphics file)

The main graphics file can be modified using the web interface at PimpMyFord but I recommend contacting Pawel for a custom firmware.

2) Firmware flashing
As long as you have the latest firmware installed, only the SBL and main graphics file need to be selected when flashing. This can be done with UCDS or FORScan Beta.

JB5T-14C088-FB(modified graphics file)

3) Changing the IPC bezel
Remove the IPC. First lift off the flap then pry the bezel forward with a nylon pry tool. There are two snaps at the top and two at the bottom. When you pull the bezel out you must disconnect the temp sensor in the lower right side.

Remove the IPC and disconnect the single cable on the back.

View attachment 426866
Note: Temperature sensor connector in lower right
View attachment 426867

Remove the Torx T15 screws and carefully un-snap the front of the display. Unscrew the T10 screws from the back of the display, remove the shielding, then disconnect the ribbon cable for LED lighting of the numbers. Unscrew the T10 screws from the front of the display and replace with the new bezel. Re-assemble the display - be sure to use compressed air to keep all dust out of the enclosure.

View attachment 426868
View attachment 426869
View attachment 426870

4) Final product

View attachment 426871
View attachment 426872
View attachment 426873

(without bezel)
View attachment 426617 View attachment 426618
Hello any chance You could possibly share those files for testing purpose?
