Custom gauge faces that you can make out of paper | Page 6 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Custom gauge faces that you can make out of paper

I'll keep checking back to see what you end up doing. I'm interested in doing it, but I don'th ave my car near me for about 1 month, so i'll have to keep reading up.

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I've been sitting on this idea since I first read about doing custom paper gauges, I was going to try it first, but haven't gotten to it... SO I figured I'd share it and see what you guys think. Seems like it would be super easy to take that same template to a custom metal fab shop... and have them cut it out of some super thin brushed alluminum... Anyone see a reason why this wouldn't work?? I think it would be sweet. It seems like you could do the same kind of thing for the ac/fan panel too, stick it on with some spray adhesive... I've got the JVC KDSH99 (mp3 player) cd player in, and its got the brushed al face, so those three combined would look way awesome. Just some ideas.

That's an awesome idea... I know of a whole bunch of custom laser shops in Northern California. I'll have to check it out this summer...

bigtigexplorer, how do your needles look colored with a shapie? Do the still light up well? I am a but hesitant to just go and marker them, i still want them to glow at night. thanks

Rx4phun, If you go back to page one of this thread, scroll down about 3/4 of the way down I posted a couple of pictures of the paper Tiger gauges I made. There is a good night shot where you can see the needles.

When/if you decide to go for it. Do it at night and use one fluid stroke from the base of the needle to the tip at a time testing the brightness between strokes until they are the color you want.

bigtig, are you having the same problems with the light coming through on your gauges too, or is it just because harry is trying to do this in white? How did you make the black layer on yours?

With the Tiger gauges I made, I wasn't concered with the night time color so I just put the paper gauges over the factory gauges. Hence no problems, however I'm currently make another set for Explorer4u2c which are having the same problems.

An I must say the gauges he is making look sweeeet sofar from the day pictures i've seen... thanks

Aaah, I get it. Well keep us updated on what happens with all of the problems with the gauges...

The 3rd generation prototype has just been completed and I think it's a keeper. :D

It's still a stock bulb in there so I'm thinking when I put a white LED bulb in, it will be brighter and more blue.

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This is the order of the completed gauge.

1) White layer (White laser paper).
2) Black layer with dummy lights (Transparancy paper).
3) Black layer with dummy lights reversed (Transparancy paper).

I know the needles don't show but now that part I of this project is complete, I can move on to part II.....

I'm going to fabricate something similar to the intelliglow/ indiglow needles that are out and incorporate them into the gauge faces. I have an idea of how to construct them but need the components for testing (which will probably be ordered tomorrow).

Can someone list all the dummy lights on the 94's gauges or better yet, take a picture for me?

Does anyone in the Orange County, CA area happen to have an extra complete 1st Gen. gauge cluster I could look at, take pictures of, or borrow?


Maybe because it's late, or I'm dense, but what do you mean by dummy lights reversed?

I flipped one the sheets in photoshop and printed it out. I tried to do it on one sheet but they weren't lining up right.

I did it so the background would be darker (no light leaking thru) and the guage lines and dummy light would have better color.

Okay, I think I have what some of you first generation guys have been looking for!


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Here's the tach. It's a little offcolor but I had to do it to get the dummy lights to show.


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Speedo. Let's see your designs boys.


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Yeah that's right, only three. And the high beam one is supposed to be blue but I had to light it from behind when scanning and that changed the color. The other two are red.

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Thanks Zensius. Are these actual size?
