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Damarble's 01 Sport, coil sprung HP D30 SAS, SOA, 33s, 4.56s, lockers

Just finished the rear axle today, SOA with Aussie locker and 4.56 gears. Rear springs are shot from towing and still need to be replaced. Also I need to weld shock mounts on the axle. This will all be done after the front axle is installed. It is a HP Dana 30 with gears and a locker to be added in a few months. Front suspension will be a Y-link with XJ coils and Ballistic brackets. Steering and panhard will be stock XJ for now. Tires are 33/12.5/15 Interco Truxus M/Ts on Soft 8 wheels with stock Ford center caps.


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not much for an update. Still welding everything up. Sheet metal goes slow! I did source another rear section for my hard top. Also I decided to use my stock hatch for a tailgate. I want to keep the locking ability.

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Now that is some nice work. can't wait to see the finish...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure I'll have the only Explorer anywhere with a removable hardtop. I've seen plenty of chopped tops but nobody putting it back on....

It's coming along slowly, I dont have a garage to work in anymore and it's been rainy. Also I need to stop and fix some drivabilty issues, bad rear shocks, bad wheel bearing, bad tie rod end, blown trackbar end, bad tranny mount... I have a bad vibration from ~40 onward and all this stuff could be contributing.

Little more progress. You can see I added about 2" more in hight to the bed than most choptops. If you cut it along the bottom of the window the truck looks unbalanced and light in the rear. With just a little more material back there it looks right now.


what do you plan for under the glass in the bed aria?

what do you plan for under the glass in the bed aria?

Not sure I understand. How will I finish out the inside of the bed? I plan to build lockers on either side about as deep as the space behind the original plastic interior. Then every exposed surface will be have bedliner sprayed on.

No they stay. Passengers heads just stick out in the wind now! A roll bar will be needed soon.

Clues to the future!


A little more progress.



I'm having a hang up with the tailgate. Any suggestions? I tried using the hinges off the Ranger tailgate but the Ex hatch has so much curve to it I get something like this where it can't lower because of the bumper:


Hinge it on the side so it swings out like a... a... um an old Bronco.

I thought about that but the gate is set up all wrong with the handle in the middle. I think the trick is a hinge that can lift up as the gate goes back.

I'm thinking something like a hood hinge? You know how they lift and hinge at the same time?

Well here's my first working prototype. Now I have something to build off of. I finished up late so pics are terrible. By moving them inward I was able to use the outward curve to place the pivot point in the right spot while keeping it inside the body.





I've been working on the hardtop.



cant wait to see the finished work! :salute: you are an artist

also a question 2001 ex sport same as yours, tt shackle 3" body....35s? i know i should change the gears to about what you have somewhere in the 4s. if i buy lift shock absorbers for the front and back will it help anybit. i need advice, sas is out of the question im not that good and dont have the time, and soa doesnt feel right. will my cvs be bustin nuts all day if i put 35s on??

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It's almost time to take the top off!

I don't know between you and Izwack I'm pulling my hair out.

That being said, GET BACK TO WORK!!! haha.
