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Damarble's 01 Sport, coil sprung HP D30 SAS, SOA, 33s, 4.56s, lockers

Just finished the rear axle today, SOA with Aussie locker and 4.56 gears. Rear springs are shot from towing and still need to be replaced. Also I need to weld shock mounts on the axle. This will all be done after the front axle is installed. It is a HP Dana 30 with gears and a locker to be added in a few months. Front suspension will be a Y-link with XJ coils and Ballistic brackets. Steering and panhard will be stock XJ for now. Tires are 33/12.5/15 Interco Truxus M/Ts on Soft 8 wheels with stock Ford center caps.


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Tranny adapter is done, made myself at a cost of about $100 for tools and material. While I wanted to support the guy that has the kit my (empty) wallet said no.


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how did you get your measurements?

how did you make shure the output matches the input?

I lined up everything off the NV4500 input bearing retainer. I had a shop bore the hole in the bellhousing so the bearing retainer would slip inside. I cut the large center hole with a jigsaw and grinder, taking material off slowly so I could get a tight slip fit over the bearing retainer. From there I could put the plate in between the tranny and bellhousing and mark the holes. Fairly straightforward actually, I think I basically did it the way the guy did when he first made the kit.

His website gives a pretty good understanding of the process, www.4bdconversions.com

did u make ur sport a turbo diesel now

did u make ur sport a turbo diesel now

It's not running or even close to being done, but the motor is between the frame rails! I'll have to pull it back out to clean and paint it and finish frame work.

It actually fits in there like it belongs. I have to relocate the turbo-to-intake tube (already removed in the pic) and flip the turbo but otherwise it fits pretty nice.

What you see (picture is horrible, my lighting sucks) is pretty much the final resting place within an inch in any direction. I set blocks and stands under the assembly and pulled the crane out, now I just need to wiggle and shim til it's perfect and make my motor mounts.


Ditch the fan and go electric and you will have a bit more room to play with for the intercooler.

That was actually the plan all along, I hate mechanical fans. These motors are known to run cool anyway to the e-fan will probably only kick on in traffic on the hottest days.

Also, I got the motor mounts done today. Have to weld them on tomorrow then start on the tranny crossmember.

Ordered and received my parts for the 3 link. Now to find time....

Mini truss for the D44, gives me something to attach my upper link to.


Some more progress:

This should help nip any bumpsteer in the bud.



Some flexing. It's capable of more but I don't think I'm going to want too much more so it will have to be limited.



Today I reached a major milestone. The jackstands came out from under the frame! The 3 link is done, other than finishing up the welding.

Sorry for the poor quality pics. Disregard the bolted tierod, I didn't have the tie rod end installed yet.





I've decided I'm going to relocate the fuel tank. I'm going with a 91 E150 tank but it won't fit without a body lift or floor surgery. Floor surgery it is...

There's a seller on ebay that has them for $56 shipped, a used one costs that much here.

I changed directions and am going to use a M5R2 instead of the NV4500. Had to make a new crossmember and shorten my lower links slightly to accommodate.

Fab work done on the new crossmember, still need to weld it up completely.



Axle ready to go in.


Nice, i've missed all the updates ever since you tore down the truck, but i'm subscribed now so i'll be keeping up with your progress now. Looking forward to seeing more!

Some linky thingys.


And the crossmember. I still want to cap those square tubes and add some tabs to bolt on a skid plate but that can wait for now.


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This is probably the last update until March at least. Got it rolling but need to adjust the coil buckets to lower it, way too high.

Here's the final specs on the 3 link. The UCA can be lowered up to 6" at the frame end, it's at it's highest point. All links can be lengthened slightly and the UCA can also be shortened a bit.



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