Dealer Screwed me over! Need Help | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealer Screwed me over! Need Help


December 14, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Seattle, Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 Limited
Okay, so i went to trade in my 94 explorer for a newer one. And i told them the issue with my 94 and gave them the part to fix it as part of the trade in. Well the deal for the new one went sour and i get my original truck back ( after arguing with them bout them making me want to pay for them "fixing" the truck by putting the new part in) anyways, they never did actually fix the truck, and they didnt give me the part back either... $194.56 for the part. And then they cut the stero deck out of it, didnt just unplug it but cut it past the harrenest, and stole the jbl stuff out of it... And now there telling me its not there problem! what do i do! Im thinkin bout billing them for a new system and the parts.

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Get a Lawyer

Well i did, lol... im going to go back down there with a copy of a whole new jbl audio system and parts list and say they need to pay up... But u think lawyer is right choice as well?

Call the cops. Do you have pictures of the stuff? What does the written deal that fell through say? And maybe call Ford's corporate offices.

yes i have pictures, its messed up... and a new jbl system is expensive as hell!!!!!! im llooking at 1039 bux for it

Call the cops. It's theft. Report it, and press charges.

DO you have pics of the truck before it was taken in, with the stuff missing still in the truck? Hope it all works out.


I'm with the lawyer/cops/corporate office plan

Cops will rarely get involved in a business dispute and that's what this looks like to me based on what you've told us. Your best bet is Small Claims Court. Most lawyers probably wouldn't touch this one. Could you really afford a lawyer? They rarely work for free.

It might be fun to contact a local TV stations and see if they want to do a story on it.

i would just go with molotov ****tails and do damage equal in monetary value. or similar vandalizm.

Uhm, but then he goes to jail for revenge. First charge woud be "arson" then "vandalism" then "reckless endangerment" and of course "breaking and entering" and "attempted grand larceny". Should get you around 25 years.

not if you do it right. but first id go through legal channels. but yeah 25 years sounds about right.

I would do the local TV or newspaper.

You av rocks Brad!!!:thumbsup:

I'm kinda confused with the way you wrote your story

Okay, so i went to trade in my 94 explorer for a newer one.

...from the same dealer, right?

And i told them the issue with my 94 and gave them the part to fix it as part of the trade in. Well the deal for the new one went sour and i get my original truck back ( after arguing with them bout them making me want to pay for them "fixing" the truck by putting the new part in) your verbal contract with them is that they will fix the issue with your 94 and you provided them with the part you purchased elsewhere, correct?

anyways, they never did actually fix the truck, and they didnt give me the part back either... $194.56 for the part.

...well, since the purchase did not materialize, they have no obligation whatsover to fix the truck. Fixing your 94 was their prerogrative for reselling it and the condition stated initially was that the part was theirs to do as they please (truck + part = tradein)

...but again, since the purchase of a another vehicle did not materialize, it would have been good business/in good faith on their part to return that part to you. They should be returning the part and the truck back to you as if nothing happened at all

And then they cut the stero deck out of it, didnt just unplug it but cut it past the harrenest, and stole the jbl stuff out of it... And now there telling me its not there problem! what do i do!

This brings me to a new question. How long did you have this truck at that dealer? I mean did you bring this truck around December and finally after three months, the deal did not materialize? I just want to know the time frame

From the point of view of the dealer, they probably thought that the deal would push through. They were probably on the assumption that selling off the car for parts would probably yield them a better profit than selling the old vehicle as a unit. So they probably started parting out your vehicle

Im thinkin bout billing them for a new system and the parts.

They will just probably laugh this off if you did this. However, here is where the burden of proof will come. First you need proof of the purchase of the original part (that wasn't installed and wasn't returned); then you need proof that the vehicle had the jbl system prior to you leaving it with them (pictures, like others have mentioned would help)

Celly brings up a good point. Cops will rarely intervene in a business dispute. I would probably speak to the real manager of the dealership personally. Keep calm and don't demand anything off the bat. Be nice even if you know they are lying to your face. If possible, try to get something in writing. It might be too late but maybe a letter to the manager (or the owner) asking for explanation as to the condition of your vehicle. Be nice and try to fish for as much information from them as possible. If that fails, maybe bring it to a local TV, BBB or a consumer advocate group - but make sure you have hard proof before you do so.

Time frame - 3 weeks, out of the 3 weeks the new vehicle was in there shop cause due to the clutch going out 3 days after i bought it... LAME! They Didnt give me the part back either, I didnt care about them putting it in just the fact i didnt get it back. And yes i have proof of everything. Recipts, ect. And this truck still has partial of the audio system in the truck LOL!

You are local!

GET JESSE!....from KING5 News!

1 single 2 minute spot on the 5 o'clock news, and the dealership will crumble to his knees. I PROMISE!

I have seen contractors, appliance repair businesses, cell phone companies, tow truck yards, city governments...even the great State of California have given into his demands for settlement in a timely matter!...sometimes within HOURS of the news broadcast!


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You are local!

GET JESSE!....from KING5 News!

1 single 2 minute spot on the 5 o'clock news, and the dealership will crumble to his knees. I PROMISE!

I have seen contractors, appliance repair businesses, cell phone companies, tow truck yards, city governments...even the great State of California have given into his demands for settlement in a timely matter!...sometimes within HOURS of the news broadcast!


HAHAAHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAH OMFG.... One of my fam members said that too :p lol...
Will do :D
