Dealer Screwed me over! Need Help | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dealer Screwed me over! Need Help

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A car dealership will rip your head off, steal your wallet, kick you in the nuts and set you on fire just to make a buck.

And lawyers make them look good.

Keep it out of the court and threaten a mass internet media blitz exposing their reprehensible business practices. Also threatedn to call the BBB to file a formal complaint. Then tell them about your friend Jesse at King5 news.

At least they will start listening to you.

Time frame - 3 weeks, out of the 3 weeks the new vehicle was in there shop cause due to the clutch going out 3 days after i bought it... LAME! They Didnt give me the part back either, I didnt care about them putting it in just the fact i didnt get it back. And yes i have proof of everything. Recipts, ect. And this truck still has partial of the audio system in the truck LOL!

There you go. They tried selling you a lemon - so all the more reason for you not to take their vehicle. If you've got everything then I say go for it...

....yeah, that Jesse guy would certainly rattle their cages....but chances are he's got other cases in the works / or too busy at the moment... so maybe for the time being try the BBB or another consumer advocate group

good luck

Yeah well lawyer told me file a small claims against goods and property damage... You wouldnt believe how expensive a new jbl audio system is. :(

...for the time being try the BBB or another consumer advocate group

The BBB only attempts to do anything if the company you're complaining about is a member of the BBB. The BBB is a profit seeking business when it comes down to it. I worked for a company that was a member and I hated the way they tried to get money out of us to "support the cause". When membership dues became due, we simply let our membership lapse. I found no benefit to being a part of the BBB despite their aggressive marketing efforts to suggest otherwise.

The BBB is not all it's cracked up to be and I don't bother joining again. I work for a highly successful company at present and we're not members. If someone complained to the BBB about us, they'd be powerless to do anything and wouldn't anyhow. All I would suggest in this case is find out of the dealer is a member of the BBB. If they are, then you've got a bit more leverage, because they're paying money to the BBB to maintain a good reputation and conceivably they wouldn't want the bass press within the organization.

Well thanks for all your help guys... Its just i have the legal right to have my truck back in the same condition not worse with stuff stolen..., just needed some advice and thanks. You guys are great here :)

The BBB only attempts to do anything if the company you're complaining about is a member of the BBB. The BBB is a profit seeking business when it comes down to it. I worked for a company that was a member and I hated the way they tried to get money out of us to "support the cause". When membership dues became due, we simply let our membership lapse. I found no benefit to being a part of the BBB despite their aggressive marketing efforts to suggest otherwise.

The BBB is not all it's cracked up to be and I don't bother joining again. I work for a highly successful company at present and we're not members. If someone complained to the BBB about us, they'd be powerless to do anything and wouldn't anyhow. All I would suggest in this case is find out of the dealer is a member of the BBB. If they are, then you've got a bit more leverage, because they're paying money to the BBB to maintain a good reputation and conceivably they wouldn't want the bass press within the organization.

Good to know that ! Thanks Celly

It might be fun to contact a local TV stations and see if they want to do a story on it.

My vote goes to this. No dealership can afford bad press right now.

Man, I don't know what I would do if someone stole my stuff out my truck.
I have a '94 sport, and there really isn't anything worth stealing out of it, but still, that is ridiculous.
I would have called a local news station as soon as I went to pick up my old truck again.

Fox35 (Local to the Orlando area) will be on site with a reporter usually within an hour. Just stand there until the news van got there. I have done it in the past for a mechanic who tried to rip me off. As the news van was pulling in, he paid up!
Most companies do not want any form of bad publicity, and will generally meet most reasonable demands when actually put into a corner.

Anyways, I want to know what the outcome of this is...
Keep us informed.

Yeah seriously put those Pee huckers on blast. call the radio, setup web site, and take lots of pix and put up their pic. so we know where not to take hour vehicle!

EDIT Pee huckers? k maybe Crooks would have been better.:rolleyes:

send me a PM, and let me know which dealership did this...


Why not post the name of the dealership here? Why PM it to anyone?

Just a thought here being I did work years a go for a large and small dealership. One yes you were done wrong no question about it but now look at there side a bit also 3 weeks they have your truck. Now in a normal world in that time they very easily could have also sold the truck as in good faith the deal was a go and after 72 hours of business days it normally is unless some strange thing comes up. Now with credit the way it is that may have and most likely is a game changer today as I said this was years ago. I know in less then a week we ran the cars threw the auctions or had them on the lot for sale, sold them or whole sale them out and yes all in a week. Now taken parts out that is strange and almost sounds like an employee bought the truck or the rights to parts with the rest to be junked.
I would say the options are few and simple and only 4
1) Forget it and learn from it but like me I bet that is not going to happen!
2) Take it to court and yes small claims because of the dollar amount.
3) Get the press to run with the story. You have to sell them one it.
4) Picket and demand reimbursement. Yes picket there dealership but stay on public property at all times never violate any law as they will be the hounds of hell after you if they can.
that is about all I see that can be done and I wish you well as I said yes you were done dirt and yes they should make it right so good luck on it and let us all know how it works out.
