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death wobble


September 30, 2014
Reaction score
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 EB V8
I have a 06 eb and at highway speeds it has a noticeable shaking of the steering wheel. I've had the bearings, balljoints, and cv shafts all checked and they are fine. When I brake hard at these speeds, the wheel wants to come outta hour hand. Any ideas are greatly appreciated!

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Have you checked brake rotors/pads and wheel balancing?

I know the tires are balanced but wasn't sure if warped rotors would cause a wobble at speed. I know it would wobble when braking. Maybe it is the rotors.

Make sure the calipers aren't sticking too.

Warped rotors will definitely cause a wobble at highway speeds, but usually goes away once the rotors cool down so like mentioned by drdoom make sure that your calipers are not dragging causing the rotors to overheat.

Thanks for all the ideas! The brakes still have a lot of material on them, but I'm going to change them and the rotors to be safe. I'll check calipers also.
