Did shackles today, pass side 1" higher??? help? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Did shackles today, pass side 1" higher??? help?


New Member
August 12, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Boynton Beach, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Xplorer 5.0 AWD
So I put my warrior shackles on today and after finally figuring out how to do it easily (first one took 30 mins, 2nd one took 10) i drove her around a bit and measured each side.... Passenger side is sitting almost exactly 1" higher? any ideas? I'm doing new shocks (RS5000s) tomorrow but I wonder if it's not something to do with my leafsprings?

The drivers side was simple but the pass side leafs required some... coercion... the end was tweaked where it didn't sit straight in the shackle.. had to use a bottle jack after getting the bolt in one side to level it out and get the bolt through.. wondering if this screwed something up? or should I wait and do shocks before I freak out? any advice is appreciated...

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Did you measure before? Many explorers are slightly uneven due to the gas tank and driver being on the drivers side of the vehicle thus causing the driver side lean.

Also make sure the bottom of the nuts are seated correctly on the axle even though you shouldn't have had to loosen the u bolts.

I did not measure before (in the rear atleast, measured front for TT). I wonder if that is it... It rides fine, even better actually... than before. I guess we'll just see. Appreciate the input sir.

It's probably nothing. It's not visibly noticeable right? I'm assuming you didn't realize it until after measuring. I guess if you really wanted to be sure that it was like that before you could measure a stranger's explorer in a parking lot somewhere, just do it quickly lol.

Most likely was off prior to the shackles. Mine sags to the drivers side too.

Rusty is correct. It's a common problem often affectionately referred to as "the gangsta lean". The drivers side spring tires faster because of the driver and gas tank weight, resulting in a slight lean.

I'm going to add in, a common fix to this is to swap the leaf packs from one side to the other.

Oh the memories of doing this mod the 1st time....lol

If your leafs are already worn, be prepared to do more work on them in the near future. Look around for a local spring shop and have them Re-arch & add a leaf to the packs. Shouldn't be much cost wise, but getting the leafs back to stock, and a little extra, makes a world of difference.
