Differences from a regular Sport Trac and an Adrenaline | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Differences from a regular Sport Trac and an Adrenaline


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September 26, 2021
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2010 Sport Trac Adenaline
I recently purchased a 2010 Adrenaline AWD 4.6 V8 with 123k. It's in great condition inside and out. I didn't realize they exisisted until I found this one. I have read various things about the differences from a regular Sport Trac. I would really like to know some of the things that make them unique, are they rare, Body mods, Suspension, are they lower than standard, running gear, axles front and rear. Think this one is a keeper, not sure what they are worth, I probably over paid but love the look and I do not see one around every corner.
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the adrenalin package includes unique bumpers, grill, fenders, running boards, headlights, roof rack delete, and wheels. also it is the only sport trac trim level that is configured as 'AWD' but in reality the hardware is all the same as the 4WD sport trac's with a two speed transfer case (see my thread here on how to convert to 4WD)

I've heard that the sway bars are different for the adrenalin, but i dont think anything else is unique. I'd be interested in production numbers too, i think its very low though..

exhaust is the same as a regular 4.6 trac?

That is a great looking Sport Trac. Congratulations!:chug:

the adrenalin package includes unique bumpers, grill, fenders, running boards, headlights, roof rack delete, and wheels. also it is the only sport trac trim level that is configured as 'AWD' but in reality the hardware is all the same as the 4WD sport trac's with a two speed transfer case (see my thread here on how to convert to 4WD)

I've heard that the sway bars are different for the adrenalin, but i dont think anything else is unique. I'd be interested in production numbers too, i think its very low though..
Thanks for the info, I do have a question regarding the AWD system, when I went into the System Check program for the AWD it allows you to chose between Auto and Locked. If its placed in the Locked position, is it not advisable to run in the Locked setting on dry roads like a normal 4X4 system? I thought I read somewhere that the Adrenaline was lower than a standard Sport Trac and they come standard with Bilstein shocks for improved handling. So far I have not found anything that would make me second guess my purchase, its comfortable, practical even with the short bed, relatively fast for what it is and is a looker, always getting compliments and questions as to what it is or even is that the new Maverick?

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I bought the "cousin" to yours !!! Mine is a 2008.

My wife has a Dark Cherry colored 2008 Limited.

I bought the "cousin" to yours !!! Mine is a 2008.

My wife has a Dark Cherry colored 2008 Limited.
Question on the 2008 adrenaline series? The lady says it’s four wheel drive n I have found nothing to say it is four wheel. I found that there’s ONLY AWD which is diff than four wheel drive 🤔

Question on the 2008 adrenaline series? The lady says it’s four wheel drive n I have found nothing to say it is four wheel. I found that there’s ONLY AWD which is diff than four wheel drive 🤔
My Adrenalin is AWD, my wifes is a 2WD. WE had no bad weather this year, so I have no idea how it drives/handles on ice or in snow.

I've got the 4.6, she has the 4.0, and fuel mileage is comparable. They both average around 17.5-19 mpg

I just had the fuel filters changed in both of them, this week. Said the fillter in the 4.0 was really dirty. Am watching to see if mileage goes up any. LOL
