DMB Graphics: Ford Gel Badges | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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DMB Graphics: Ford Gel Badges


November 27, 2011
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2012 Explorer Limited

First off, a big thank you to LM614 and 2012 WHT PLAT X for the pictures / info on the Ford Gel Badges from DMB Graphics (UK). These gel overlays adhere to the existing Ford badges/emblems on your Ex, so no removal required (installation instructions below).

After seeing their pics, I reached out to DMB Graphics to order a set of Orange/Chrome overlays for my 2012 Ex Limited. "Dave" has been extremely helpful and responsive, and based upon my inquiry, and those of you that have already purchased them, he decided to list the 2011/2012 Explorer as one of their model options for the gel overlays (even though they don't sell Explorers in the UK). The Explorer model option went live on their site today so I want to pass it along to all of you in case you're interested in purchasing new Ford emblems.

The entire set (front, rear, steering wheel) runs about $35 (US) with shipping.

Here are the installation instructions from their site:

1. Thoroughly Clean the surface area of your existing Ford badges so they are 'squeaky' clean and your finger does NOT slide across the badge easily.
2. If you are in a slightly cold environment then it may be necessary to warm the badges up with a low setting on a heat gun.
3. Warm the backing paper first to a reasonable temperature (hot enough not to burn yourself) and then slightly warm the surface of the original Ford badge.
4. Peel the badge from the backing and stick it carefully to the original badge making sure the edges are lined up and also stuck down. At this point you can slightly warm the edges and apply pressure to make sure they are fully stuck.
5. The adhesive on the badges is very tacky and they will stick very well.

I'll post pictures once I receive / install them.

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I like the white background with blue lettering :)

i move 4000 miles to the USA, i buy a sub that i know none of my friends would buy back at home, but the only place i can get what i wanted was back in the UK. LOL

looking forward to getting these, went black/chome for my bronze EX

Very cool, thanks for the link. I think I'm going to be in for a set soon

Good idea, I would maybe try it also

wish they had black background with black letters, or at least dark grey letters

wish they had black background with black letters, or at least dark grey letters

Take a look at the Metallic Grey-Black in the color (UK- Colour) section

yeh i saw that one....but since i have a black EX, i want a black background AND black letters. or black background and dark grey letters......

yeh i saw that one....but since i have a black EX, i want a black background AND black letters. or black background and dark grey letters......

i have a black ex too. thought about getting them but holding out hope for a black background and dark grey letters

i have a black ex too. thought about getting them but holding out hope for a black background and dark grey letters

Definitely shoot them an email, as they are very responsive / helpful.

Definitely shoot them an email, as they are very responsive / helpful.

I used their inquiry thing on their webpage 3 days ago and have yet to get a response. I tried to place an order, selected "United States" and it kept giving me an error saying that the state was required, but there was no field to enter the state, only the County. Tried several times, no way to input the state an no response from them yet.

I used their inquiry thing on their webpage 3 days ago and have yet to get a response. I tried to place an order, selected "United States" and it kept giving me an error saying that the state was required, but there was no field to enter the state, only the County. Tried several times, no way to input the state an no response from them yet.
It’s too bad the order form isn’t working, cnsheets. Hopefully they’ll get it fixed soon!


I used their inquiry thing on their webpage 3 days ago and have yet to get a response. I tried to place an order, selected "United States" and it kept giving me an error saying that the state was required, but there was no field to enter the state, only the County. Tried several times, no way to input the state an no response from them yet.


Actually, I had the same problem when attempting to check-out, so I elected to check-out via Paypal instead, and that worked just fine.

Their email address is:

I thought about trying the paypal option, If I do not hear from them, I will go that route. I just have to remember what my paypal password is :(

I was originally looking at the white background with blue letting, but now I am thinking maybe of the white with chrome lettering since I have the platinum white EX with chrome accents.

I'd really like to see the pictures of this once you have it done.

I'd really like to see the pictures of this once you have it done.


I really like having a slightly different car than everyone else. Even if it is only the name badges, it is different. Granted, first I need to order my EX and have it in the garage before I start to modify it. So please post some pics so I can live through you until that happens. :)

mine arrived today...
but it -3 outside so it too cold to put them on :(

waiting for mine to arrive. Whats your first thoughts/impression of them? Got any pictures to post?

waiting for mine to arrive. Whats your first thoughts/impression of them? Got any pictures to post?

they look good... like i said its just to cold here to put them on. quality is good, one thing i noticed is the original badges has sightly raised text on the EX, hoping this dosnt hinder the contact.

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mine arrived today...
but it -3 outside so it too cold to put them on :(

Can you post a picture of them before you install them? I am curious as to how they are made. Thanks :)
