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does anybody enjoy Nascar

do I like Nascar

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enjoy Nascar

I have a friend who spends half of his Sunday sitting watching cars "which look like billboards for home depot to soap" go around in circles for a few hundred laps,seems to me 2 laps would be just the same...
Obviously I miss the point of a few dozen hot rods zooming bumper to bumper at two-hundred miles per hour in a circle...

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I agree with you. VERY boring and hickish.

i believe nascar is awesome and have found that most of the people who say otherwise haven't been to a race or really gotten into it.

Boring? Basketball and Baseball are definitely boring, Golf is so boring it should be illegal, Football is barely watchable, but Nascar is awesome. The only reason that there is so much advertising is to finance the sport, just like any other sport. Those cars aren't cheap to build.

Pit stops are pretty cool too, I doubt the guys at Tire Kingdom are changing four tires in less than 15 seconds.

There is way more strategy involved in Nascar than you would expect. The true heroes of the sport are the crew chiefs and mechanics. Its really astounding how much of a difference adding half a pound of air to the tires or removing a little tape from the grill can make in a race. A guy can go from leading the race to running in the back of the pack because they failed to make the proper adjustments during a pit stop, and then after the next round of stops, he can get everything fixed and come back to win.

The driver does require alot of skill too, being able to quickly determine which lane of the track he can run the fastest on, where on the track he can pass, how to manage the draft.

You really just have to watch a few races to get into it. Pick a driver to root for, and start following the championship race. But Nascar is America's fastest growing sport, so I'd say there are plenty of people who don't think its boring.

huskyfan23 said:
I agree with you. VERY boring and hickish.

You got something against Hicks?


I think watching sports in general is boring, much more fun playing, but at least something different happens. I've watched races and couldn't stand it. Around and around. Woo!

Jake Howk said:
Boring? Basketball and Baseball are definitely boring, Football is barely watchable,

But Nascar is America's fastest growing sport, .

Please show me some stats that it is the fastest growing sport???

Baseball and Football are not boring at all...
How many times can you see the same dozen cars go round and round...

why don;t all the other sports put advertisments on their uniforms.
I will tell you why beause it makes the so called sport so redneck..
i live up in mass now and the sports stations up here won;t even play any of the race nor talk a bout it..
but down in hickville florida where i used to live oh my god it is crazy...
people shave number 3's in their dog or other animals..

you don't see people in chicago shaving 33 into their animals...

IMO Nascar is OK to watch on tv, but MUCH more fun to actually see in person, just like all racing is.

Yeah its a redneck sport, so what. We gotta have sports too. I'm sorry but Basketball is boring as hell. The same dozen 7 ft tall guys running back and forth. No thanks. About the only time I watch football is the super bowl, and if I miss that, I am far from heartbroke.

Other sports have plenty of advertizers, and they generally have at least a sporting goods company on thier jerseys. But they don't need as many advertisers. Do you realize how much it costs a team to build enough cars to compete in a full season. Let alone traveling around to all the tracks, doing research to get that extra half a horse out of your engine or finding the perfect gear ratio to stay ahead of the competition. Nascar teams don't have multi-million dollar contracts that guarantee they will be competing for the next five years. If a team can't perform competitively enough to attract a decent sponser, then they are all out of the job. If they wreck a car it comes out of the teams pocket. You never have to worry about Nascar going on strike either, cause they let the 43 cars that qualify the fastest in the race, if those 43 decide to hold out for better contracts, 43 more roll in to take their place.

You yankees can have all them other sports.

I've been to Pocono, been in the pit area for qualifying and... still can't get into it. Although the folks there remind me of Larry the Cable Guy.


I used to think it was justa bunch of cars going around in a circle and that it was very boring. Since then I have watched it and gave it a chance, now I think its very entertaining and fun to watch.

just like any other sport you have to pick a team, or driver to follow, it can be addicting just like any other sports, nothing better to me than watching 600 horse race cars run around a track at 150 miles per hour, theres also the wipe outs, fist fights, politics and everything else to keep you amused.

davidmmm69 said:
I have a friend who spends half of his Sunday sitting watching cars "which look like billboards for home depot to soap" go around in circles for a few hundred laps,seems to me 2 laps would be just the same...
Obviously I miss the point of a few dozen hot rods zooming bumper to bumper at two-hundred miles per hour in a circle...
Those aren't racecars, they're advertisements...
What's there to like about the so called sport? When you come right down to it, it's just a bunch of guys driving really fast, making left-hand turns and pitting.
And speaking of pitting, if I wanted to watch guys change tires, I'd hang out at the local Tire Kingdom. Come on, you can't tell me that watching some schmo change tires is entertaining. And if you find it exciting to see how fast a guy can fill up a tank with gas, then maybe you've been sniffing the fumes a little too long.

Hey, I've got an idea: DON'T WATCH IT. Last time you were *****ing about the race card, this time, NASCAR. I watch it. I don't give a **** if you don't like it. You made a pointless thread to complain about NASCAR. Nobody has ever made me watch anything I didn't want to. Yea, going 200 mph isn't a sport. There are absolutely no dangers in this. There lots of things I hate on tv, such as American Idol. I don't ***** about it. I just dont WATCH IT.

davidmmm69 said:
i live up in mass now and the sports stations up here won;t even play any of the race nor talk a bout it..
kix 97.9, 1510am
and massachusetts sucks, dont go confusing that with the values and norms of the rest of America

ChopinOn22s said:
Hey, I've got an idea: DON'T WATCH IT. Last time you were *****ing about the race card, this time, NASCAR. I watch it. I don't give a **** if you don't like it. You made a pointless thread to complain about NASCAR. Nobody has ever made me watch anything I didn't want to. Yea, going 200 mph isn't a sport. There are absolutely no dangers in this. There lots of things I hate on tv, such as American Idol. I don't ***** about it. I just dont WATCH IT.

Well said! Thats the same thing i was thinking!

ahh no I wasn;t *****ing about the race card I brought up a issue in another thrad about what would happen if things were reversed...

ad far as this thread yeah me and a buddy were argueing today about it as he was sitting on his ass half the day watching a race..

that is why i brought it up.

Ohhh ok so no one else on here has ever made a post about something they disliked...

sorry if i offended somebody in this post but i was just curious if it was just me who hated nascar...

i'm not a big fan of soccer (some would say i hate it), my roommate sat on his ass all day the other day watching manchester united play milan and hogged the only TV in the apartment that has more than local channels (damn comcast). I didnt come on here *****ing about how much soccer sucks, even though im sure more people dislike soccer than nascar here.

Damn yankees and their skill-requiring sports :rolleyes:

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soccer sucks, nascar sucks, F-1 sucks, football sucks, golf sucks, curling sucks, baseball sucks, american beer sucks, kathy lee sucks, nicolas cage sucks, spilling mustard on your pants sucks, getting hit on by ugly people sucks, talking to ugly people sucks, going off too early sucks, no sex sucks...many things suck and f i had to make a thread for each one of them i would have a whole lot of **** posted. But in that same respect alot of people here post stupid **** so who cares if he dont like nascar, this thread is to see who does, now he knows
