does this look like it was lowered? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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does this look like it was lowered?


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April 22, 2002
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This is my Xplr - Does it look lowered?

Thanks for your input

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looks a bit low, but limiteds are often low in 2wd mode with the air shocks. does look low though.

running boards tend to make a car/truck look lower then it really is, that was my train of thought... But, im probably wrong...LOL

yeah it looks a little low

No, I did not lower it - I pulled up to an another explorer today a 97 I think and I was looking up at the thing so I ask the guy if it had been lifted a bit he said no -

I was just trying to get other explr owners eye on it - I know its hard to tell by the pic, but hey thanks!

I dont want to lower it and it be to low, ya know, I just want better handle out of it at higher speed ( 75 - 90 mph it gets a little too loose)

New shocks will help out at high speeds. Mine started getting shaky at 90+ when the stock shocks started going. I have Gabriel VSTs and love them. 2" lift, 31" tires, etc; and it feels great up until the 108 limiter.

I think that is normal. Mine is lowered and right now I have the running boards and airdam off because I am getting some stuff painted and it actually looks lifted. Running boards really make it look lower and so does that limited bumper of yours. Have you upgraded the rear sway bar and put collets on it? What engine do you have?


Originally posted by KIDSX
ok........not to be ignorant or anything BUT......if im not lost this is lowered suspension link right? im new and all but it seems that this is only a lifted or stock explorer first post i made i got refered to the explorerunderground cause i qoute " we dont have many lowereds x here" if people are gonna chat in here i think they should respect all aspects of x performance. its all a matter of opion and taste. sory itrs so long but i am becoming preterbed.
what are you talking about? No one is bashing this guy at all, and yes this particularly forum on Rick's site is for lowered explorers. But the site in general is for explorers of any kind.

That is correct.. please post your truck and anything else you like... just be aware of opinions.. if you ask everyone what they think they will tell you what they think.... Add a note at the bottom of your post... something like " if you dont like lowered x's please dont respond" That should organize it a bit.

This is an Explorer Community, notice there is not "lifted" in front of that. I will re welcome you now... feal free to browse!!!

ok I am VERY SORRY.....that was meant for another post and have no clue how it got there it will be deleted. sorry...hopefully no hard feelings.


That is one bad ride and yes it does look like it is lowered a little. I love those limited X's and matter of fact if I ever get another X it will be a white X just like you have here. Wow, the mods you are going to do really sound awesome and I know they will look great when you are finished and make sure you post some pics of that bad ride of yours. Nice job and I hope to see more pics soon and is that a 2x4 or 4x4:D :p :chug: :thumbsup:
