Dome lights stay on, door ajar | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dome lights stay on, door ajar


Well-Known Member
August 6, 2004
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N.E Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
1996 XLT V8
1996 XLT V8, Door ajar dash light on and all dome lights on and won't go off. Looking for pin switches at doors but there are none. Must be inside doors I guess.

Can some one point me to some illustrations as to where these switches are in the doors and hatch? Is there a specific one that usually gives this problem? Pulled fuse number 27 so that I can drive at night with the dome lights off.

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Spray some WD40 inside the door strike.

each of your doors (and the tailgate) have a little switch attached to the latch. mine will do this once in a while and it's always my tailgate. it's completely closed, but the switch doesn't think so. if i open and close the tailgate again (firmly) it goes out. wd40 will often help, but you have to get at the little switch to spray it. that means removing door panels.

Problem solved for the time being. I removed the tailgate panel and tested the switches on both latches on the tailgate and the window glass switch. All checked out ok. Connected everything back again and everything is working now. Must have been a bad contact with one or more of the connectors.

I noticed that the switches are sealed and don't think spraying anything at them would do any good. You can't get them apart to get at the contacts, if they go bad, they have to be replaced or just disconnect the harness connector from the bad switch and remember that particular latch will not report back any status.

glad to hear you figured something out. mine also had a broken (in two pieces) switch in the diver's door and that caused; no dome light, no door ajar light, no keys in ignition chime and i think no lights on chime. i removed it and fixed it with good old JB Weld. been working fine for 6 mths now. if you need to replace one their pretty cheap, but i'm even cheaper.. lol
