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Don't Go Swimming Without a Snorkel

I just recently pulled my 5.0 out of my 98 due to it running like crap, no power, and terrible fuel economy (well worse than a 5.0 usually gets). The truck got dunked during Harvey, but it still ran. Couldn't figure out the problem.

Popped the oil pan and it was all clear then! :banghead:

Yup that's parts of a piston in the oil pickup

Piston (B) was very unhappy after colliding with Crankshaft (A)

Piston #6

Piston #8

Yeah.... water and engines don't mix. :nono:

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Still ran eh? just your mpg and performance was down...that is tooooo funny
go 5.0!

I dislike those twisty early dipsticks arrrrrgh

thanks for showing this!

Still ran eh? just your mpg and performance was down...that is tooooo funny
go 5.0!

I dislike those twisty early dipsticks arrrrrgh

thanks for showing this!
What's not shown is the metal contamination in all the bearings. I was heading toward a seized engine fairly quickly. I did put quite a few miles on it after Harvey though. After all this I thought the engine was worth saving.

It'll buff out!!

the engine cores are getting harder and harder to get your hands on, so there may be some value left in this engine

It'll buff out!!

the engine cores are getting harder and harder to get your hands on, so there may be some value left in this engine

Should be, I just spent $3k to rebuild it. :D

holy crap
Rebuild it into what? a 306? 327? 331?
$3k is alot of scratch considering you can get a reman long block for like $2K

Well this is the same engine that's in Red. The cam, valve springs, and headers added a grand.

Copy that!
My bad I was thinking you converted red and then dove back into your old engine.......

No biggie, this is the original from the conversion BC did 5 years ago. I thought about just swapping in another from a donor, but since I couldn't kill the damn thing even with a hydrolock, two bent rods, and a smashed piston skirt, I said "what the hell", it deserves a chance to live again. :salute:
