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Door Handles?


Well-Known Member
April 17, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Orange County, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 XL
My driver's side door handle assembly broke the other day (the spring snapped, so now the door handle jiggles when I drive)... its more annoying than anything else, and I've been looking at putting black door handles on my truck anyway... the opportunity has arisen to buy new ones without feeling guilty.

I'm really picky about what I want, but not as picky about what I'll buy. I definitely want metal door handles and it seems all I can find from places that sell OEM parts are plastic. I'm not so picky about color when I buy them... I want black, but I have no problem buying whatever is available and painting them if I have to. Anyone know where I can find them? Or is someone parting out a truck and possibly has a pair that will fit my truck?

Its a 1997 XL (the rest of the specs are in my signature if you need anything else.)

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i'm pretty sure those were all plastic, but i think i'm gonna get one from kbabiak. thanks though. :)

(if you ever need parts, he's really quick to respond to inquiries.)

not to resurrect any feelings of guilt, but you can replace the spring for about $0.50 at any local hardware store and install them with minimal hassle ;) Just sayin... you know, in case you decide to stick with the stockers

not to resurrect any feelings of guilt, but you can replace the spring for about $0.50 at any local hardware store and install them with minimal hassle ;) Just sayin... you know, in case you decide to stick with the stockers

Got any links to how this $0.50 fix is done? Nevermind the cost of the spring. Show us how it's done. I've got a floppy door handle and most people recommend handle replacement.
Posted via Mobile Device

not to resurrect any feelings of guilt, but you can replace the spring for about $0.50 at any local hardware store and install them with minimal hassle ;) Just sayin... you know, in case you decide to stick with the stockers

x2 on that $.50 fix..

I've got floppy handles on both sides of the driver's door, any info?

yea we tried to rip the spring off my assembly. there's no way to get it off without cutting it, meaning there's no way to get it ON without cutting it. besides. i'm using this as an excuse to have black door handles. :D

yea we tried to rip the spring off my assembly. there's no way to get it off without cutting it, meaning there's no way to get it ON without cutting it. besides. i'm using this as an excuse to have black door handles. :D

That was my point. I've yet to find an "easy fix" to this design weakness in our trucks.
Posted via Mobile Device

No problemo, here's my original post:

I used picture frame wire as a temporary fix but have since swapped it for a proper spring. The spring I bought has deep open hooks at the ends so it wasn't a problem attaching it, though it was a bit of a PITA trying to access it through the holes in the door. Long needlenose pliers and a flashlight are your friends.

I don't know if what I wrote in that post is clear so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

[edit] hmm... after re-reading my old post I'm not sure if what I did is exactly what you guys need. Memory is a bit hazy... [/edit]

No problemo, here's my original post:

I used picture frame wire as a temporary fix but have since swapped it for a proper spring. The spring I bought has deep open hooks at the ends so it wasn't a problem attaching it, though it was a bit of a PITA trying to access it through the holes in the door. Long needlenose pliers and a flashlight are your friends.

I don't know if what I wrote in that post is clear so if you have any questions feel free to ask.

All I saw in that thread was a fix for a different issue (the "door latch" issue which is well documented in other threads on the site). I fixed mine with a zip tie, others use springs.. Are you sure this fixes the "floppy handle" issue? They are separate issues. I've had them all. I've dealt with the door latch, still have the floppy handle and have a disconnected actuator to deal with too.

All I saw in that thread was a fix for a different issue (the "door latch" issue). I fixed mine with a zip tie. Are you sure this fixes the "limp handle" issue? They are separate issues. I've had them all. I've dealt with the door latch, still have the limp handle and have a disconnected actuator to deal with too.

Yep Celly, my bad. I just edited my last post too as I realized this when I read back what I had wrote. Sorry to get your hopes up :(

Yep Celly, my bad. I just edited my last post too as I realized this when I read back what I had wrote. Sorry to get your hopes up :(

I've only seen one person who claims he was able to fix a floppy door handle but he was a bit vague on how he did it, had no photos etc. I'm most likely just going to score some aftermarket ones. There's an eBay seller out there that has a set of 4, for $50 CAD (shipped to boot). For just over $12/each to my door, I figure I can't go wrong and the seller has good feedback. I'll have a few in reserve too for when the other ones die (and they will eventually) Now that I know I can get Duplicolor in a spray in my paint code, now is probably the time to do this. As a side note, the door will keep working with the floppy handle. It just doesn't feel as solid.

LMC truck sells them in BLACK! Not very expensive IMO.
